Eyes (Luke Imagine)

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A/N: So I've been gone for a while and this was going to be a preference but I decided to make it an imagine do I could post something. School has already started and the homework is piling up already so yea. 

Warning: None (Unless fluffy imagines really bother you)

"Have I told you how beautiful you look in that dress?" Luke asks as he danced with you.

"I believe this is the 36th time tonight." You laugh, blushing lightly at the compliment. 

"Well it's true." He says, twirling you under his arm. 

It was your wedding night and everything was perfect. The decorations, the food, and most especially, your husband. A slow song was playing and the two of you were one of the many couples on the dance floor that were swaying to the music. 

"I am so glad I married you." Luke says, pulling you closer to him and swaying to the beat. 

"I'm even gladder that I married you."

"Have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are?" 

"Yes, you have. I can remember multiple times today of you telling me this."

"How can I not tell you. They are the perfect shade of Y/E/C. They sparkle every time you smile and you always know how to really make them pop."

"You're really into the compliments tonight." 

"Why wouldn't I be? You look gorgeous." 

"Stop that!" You laugh, pushing his arm lightly. "I should tell you about your eyes. They are the clearest blue I have ever seen. Every time I see them, I remember how they are my favorite attribute of yours." 

"We clearly have a thing for each others eyes." Luke says, smiling and twirling you a last time before the music ends. 

"Guess we do." 

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