A mischievous smile graced his lips when he turned to Anthony's direction. Perhaps, he had found a brilliant way to nullify all the embarrassing discussions of these unwanted feelings that he had for his girl. He knew Anthony had his share of feelings with the Greyback girl. Perhaps, his friend's feelings for that ungrateful feminist can shade lights on what Tom felt for his tempting hybrid.

His hand went inside his sleeve. The long, lean fingers of his right hand curled artistically around the holder of shiny phoenix-cored 13½" long wand. The spell he wanted to cast on his pal was the one he was trying to master for a long time now. And he had victimized some animals and other students in the school for practice. But, he never felt to use it on the boy he trusted the most. Anthony always told Tom what he wanted to know. That's why he never felt the need to invade his privacy. Besides, he always thought that Anthony might be spending a lot of his time fantasizing about Rebekah and he didn't want to experience some romance story. And look where it brought them today. Tom wanted to use his pal's those exact thoughts to figure what was conspiring inside his boggled mind. 

Tom shuddered. 

The irony of the situation slapped his conscience. 

He knew Anthony would never betray his trust. He knew Anthony to be a pure child and pure people don't have dark secrets.  One of the factors he considered before directing his wand and casting the inevitable spell,


The bright light blinded his sight. Tom blinked for, what felt like, a hundred times before he could actually see his surroundings. He looked around himself. Rather he looked around the surroundings of Anthony in his memory. 

His nose scrunched in distaste as the distinctive stink of birds' dropping suddenly entered his nostrils. It didn't take him long to realize that he was in the west tower. The tower that held an Owlery of the castle. 

"Whatever you say Loverboy. Anyway, I have to run. Alexa, I will see you another time." 

He heard a very unladylike snort. It didn't take him long to see Evanka Rosider, the rebellious kid-sister of his associate stormed out of the chamber and left. 

What was Anthony doing with the female Rosier? He wondered.

Wait, Alexa? Tom narrowed his eyes. 

What was Anthony doing with Alexa?

What was Evanka doing with his Alexa?

What were they doing with his girl? 

He trusted Anthony, but he couldn't say the same about the Ravenclaw Rosier. She was, after all, interested in her own sex. His fists clenched on his sides.

Tom took a step inside the room to find Anthony and Alexa facing each other and the latter was about to leave. That's right my witch. Leave. He contemplated.

"Alexa wait. We need to talk."

Tom looked back in Avery's direction. His mind was curious about many things.

"We don't, Anthony," Alexa replied. Firmly. Her voice had nothing of its usual softness. It was clear as day that Anthony was getting a cold-shoulder by his girl. And one part of him, though, felt proud seeing her so decisive, others wondered what had his pal done to deserve this kind of treatment.

Tom tried to contemplate which time was this. Looking outside the window he saw the beautiful autumn foliage of that still covered the trees on the bank of the lake. The considerably cold breeze that titillated his skin confirmed his suspicions. It was the end of November. It was like a moment of recognition when he recalled that it was the time when he had manipulated the things between his girl and his best friend. It was the time when his girl was avoiding his best-friend like some disease. 

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