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I roll over onto my stomach and rest my head on my pillow, my body curling into a ball. Cody and his mom had been screaming at each other through the wall for ten minutes and it's making my headache worse.

After he got arrested, I walked home and sat in my room, attempting to get it off my mind by watching the TV, but I couldn't stop thinking about it, no matter how hard I tried.

I want to go see him, but I wouldn't be surprised if his mom doesn't let me. Not to mention my dad, if he finds out, he'll flip at us both.

I'm angry at Cody for punching him, but I couldn't help but feel some satisfaction the second he got knocked onto the floor simply because he said some things to Cody that were way out of line. I can't forgive Ryan, not now.

The shouting suddenly stopped and I felt some relief when I let my eyes shut.

The silence didn't last for long because minutes later, my phone started vibrating on the counter. I sighed, leaning forward and I quickly grabbed it, clicking accept and pressing it against my ear. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Not really." He quietly spoke down the phone, his voice sounded croaky and not right. "My arms are all bruised from those handcuffs, they are too tight, Bella Smith." I felt myself laugh as I brushed my hair around one side of my shoulder. "My knuckles are sore, my back hurts and my mom is absolutely furious with me."

"What did your mom say?" I asked, nervous to find out.

"I wasn't really listening to be honest, half of it was just about how disappointed she is in me." I nodded, not sure on what to say. "She cried." He suddenly said.

"She cried?"

"She started saying that she doesn't know where my behaviour is coming from and it upsets her to see me in positions like this, and then she started crying, so I apologized and she just sent me to my room. As for what happens next, I have no idea."

"I'm really sorry." I said, shutting my eyes. "None of that should have happened to you."

"Don't apologize, Bella. I shouldn't have punched him, I just wasn't thinking clearly." He said and I nodded, rolling onto my back. "I shouldn't have wound him up in the first place by saying that stuff about you."

"Hey, he said way worse." I said in an attempt to cheer him up.

"Well, yeah." He quietly agreed. "Anyway Bella, about-"

Cody suddenly stopped talking when we both heard his door open, I heard it slam against the wall and his dads voice came into clear view.

"Downstairs, now." He demanded, sounding angrier than I've ever heard him speak. "Get off the damn phone and come downstairs, we need words."

 "I'll talk to you later, Bella. I have to-" His voice suddenly got cut off and the phone call ended.

I sighed, placing my phone on the bed beside me and I sat up, brushing my hair out of my eyes. I stood up, grabbing my jacket from the back of the door and I ran down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked when she saw me grabbing my shoes. "It's late, Bella. I don't want you going far."

"I won't be long, promise." I said, stepping outside and slamming the door behind me.

I had never been to Ryan's house on my own before, so standing at his door was a strange feeling. I pushed it behind me and knocked a couple times before quickly stepping away.

Seconds later, he opened the door, appearing on the other side. His eye was purple and bruised and he had a cut just above his eyebrow, probably from where he knocked it against the concrete. "Bella.." His eyes widened but he soon winced, going back to his normal position.

Damaged || Cody SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now