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Who would have guessed that it would have only taken one week for me and Cody to become as close as we are. We've never felt uncomfortable around each other and we're always there to make each other laugh and simply not be sad.

"Bella!" Josh laughs when I snap my head up, coming back into consciousness. Everybody's staring at me, waiting for an answer to a question I never heard. "You're not tired again are you?" He chuckles, softly.

"No I was just thinking." I mumble in response. "What is your question?" I watch him as he shuffles position on the bench and crosses his legs before placing his arms on the table and leaning forward.

"Party.. My house.. Friday, you're coming." He chuckles before pushing his fingers through his hair. I bite down on my lip, unsure on how to tell him I can't go. "You and Cody have plans again, don't you?" He sighs.

"Kind of." I frown, sitting on my hands. "I would cancel, but it's not fair on him since nobody else hangs out with him." Josh rolls his eyes before picking at his food.

"Fine, bring him as a plus one." He scoffs, not happy at all with what he's had to say. I only smile before offering Alli a chicken nugget that I bought today in our usual routine. "Are you guys dating?" He suddenly asks.

I look towards Josh, then to Jake, then to Ryan with my mouth still full of chewed up chicken. Quickly, I swallow it when I look towards the table. "We're just friends." I mumble, refusing to look back up and meet their gazes.

"You know, you would like him if you spent time with him." I decide to speak again, hoping they would understand. At some point they would realise how good of a person he is, but until then I just have to wait.

My phone suddenly began to buzz from my pocket. Usually, I don't answer calls that don't have caller ID, but when I noticed that Cody wasn't stood outside, I had a feeling of it actually being him.. So I picked up.

"Hello?" I answer, pressing it against my ear. My friends throw me a curious look, but I ignore it and step outside where I can hear clearly.

"Bella Smith." Cody speaks down the phone, his voice sounding not as clear. He sounds.. Sad, and sick. A mixture of both. "Bella, can you come down here?" He asks.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" I change the subject leaning against the wall. That didn't stop me from panicking, wondering why he isn't in right now.

"I don't feel good." He responds, his voice shaky and nervous. "I don't ask for a lot, but please can you just come and sit with me?"

I thought about my subjects and the fact that it's skipping and I thought about getting shouted at by my parents, but I didn't care. I was leaving. "I'll be there in ten minutes." I say before putting down the phone and rushing through the door.

"Bella, where are you going?" Ryan asks, stopping me from moving any further. "We have Biology in ten minutes."

"I'm going home, something came up." I smile, grabbing my coat from the bench. "If the teacher asks just tell her I'm sorry. I'll catch up next lesson." And before he had a chance to say anything further, I ran out of the door.

I've been stood at the door for two minutes just knocking and he wont answer. By this point, I really was panicking because I couldn't call him back since the caller ID wouldn't show and I don't have his number.

"Cody?" I call, finally bringing up the courage to open his door. Luckily, his parents are at work so it'll only be him home. I shimmy my coat off my arms before walking up the stairs to find him curled up in a ball on his bed.

Damaged || Cody SimpsonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ