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Cody Simpson.

"What's going on?" I asked when I opened the front door, we decided it would be better to talk in person, rather than over the phone, and considering I was home alone, I didn't mind. She shook her head, her hands rubbing her arms to try escape the cold.

I opened the door further and she stumbled forward slightly, holding onto the frame for support. I threw her a curious glance, helping her inside when I finally shut it closed, escaping the cold, the warm hitting us both.

"You've been drinking, haven't you?" A small smile forced it's way onto my lips and she nodded slightly. "Does Bella want coffee?"

"Bella doesn't like coffee, remember?" She replied, falling to the ground and crossing her legs, I looked at her, surprised when she started tracing patterns in the carpet with her finger. "Besides, I'm sobering up."

I was confused, but she didn't bother to explain, so I sat in front of her and copied what she was doing, tracing shapes in the carpet with my finger. "So why are you here?" I quietly asked after the silence became too much to handle.

She shrugged her shoulders, her body becoming tense when she stopped drawing.

"It's nearly 1am, you must have called me for some reason." I said, but she shook her head, and then she was crying. "Bella, what's wrong?" I shuffled closer to take her hands but she pulled them away, wiping the wetness away with her finger.

"I kissed Ryan tonight." She quickly said and I hoped I had heard it wrong, but I didn't, and now I feel sick. "We were playing spin the bottle, and he got dared to kiss me, and he wasn't going to, and I don't know what I was thinking.. I just did."

I nodded, my eyes trailing down to the carpet, looking at her was making me feel worse.

"To get back at me for kissing Amy?" I asked and she started to shake her head. "Is that how it works? I kiss somebody you don't like, so you kiss somebody I don't particularly like?"

"Cody, you know it's not like that." She cried and I shook my head, the thought of her kissing Ryan pooling in my stomach; an image I wish I couldn't see.

I took a deep breath in and exhaled through my nose, tapping my fingernails against the carpet. "Whatever." I shrugged my shoulders, standing up. "You need a glass of water to sober up."

"Whatever?" She asked, confused as she stood up to follow me. "That's all you have to say?"

"What do you want me to say, Bella?" I asked once I grabbed the glass out of the cabinet, placing it on the counter and running the tap to get the water cold. "We're not together anymore, you're entitled to kiss whoever you like."

I poured the water into the glass and placed it in front of her with a sigh. "Drink it." I said.

"But, I don't want to kiss other people." She changed the subject.

"Drink the damn water Bella!"

"Stop changing the subject!" She yelled, moving the glass of water away from her. "This is more important than some stupid drink."

"You're drunk, Bella. It's why you're here." I quickly pushed my fingers through my hair and she shook her head, standing up. "You're going to drink the water, and I'm going to walk you home and get you to bed, and we'll forget this ever happened."

"I don't want to." She protested.

"I'm not giving you an option." I said but I could see the anger growing in her face. "You'll feel better when you're in your own bed."

"Being in my own bed isn't going to make me feel better." She said, and I could see her breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth, almost as if she was trying to calm herself down, but I shook my head again and that topped her anger.

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