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A groan escapes my lips when I turn onto my stomach, turning my head to the side. I'm not quite ready to open my eyes yet, to face whatever I have coming to me today. I wanted to go back to what felt like the best sleep I have had in a long time.

"Do you hear that?" I suddenly hear Cody from beside me who abruptly sits up, looking towards the door.

"No, don't care." I say whilst pulling the cover over my head, shutting my eyes again. The spot at which Cody was sat suddenly lightened when he stood up and walked towards the door, pressing his ear against the white wood. "It's probably your parents, go back to sleep."

"Yeah, but they're with someone." He sighs, opening the door slightly and peaking his head through to get a better hearing of the voices. I finally sat up, pushing my hair out of my face. "Bella, I think it's your parents." He said, throwing me a confused look.

"What?" I ask, swivelling my body around, a rush of cold suddenly shot through me when my bare feet made contact with the wooden floor.

"Listen." He grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the door. When I peaked my head out of it, I instantly heard my dad's voice, but I couldn't quite understand what he was talking about. I was too distracted by Cody's arms, snaking their way around my waist. "What do you think they want?"

I stay silent for a moment whilst slowly shutting the door and turning back to face him. "I have no idea." I suddenly sighed, slouching against the door.

"Wait, did we sleep all night?" Cody asks, walking over to the window where he peaked through the blinds. "Shit. Bella, we slept all night!"

"I heard it the first time." I giggle, walking over to the window where he put the blinds back into place. "It's fine, calm down."

"I have that wedding today." He stresses, pushing his fingers through his fluffy blonde hair. "And, I think I hear my mom coming up the stairs." He soon laughs, through sarcasm, maybe. "Great."

"Well, should I hide?" I awkwardly reply, unsure on what to say.

He shook his head, sitting on the edge of the bed, and I didn't argue against it. If my parents are downstairs, I may as well show my face.

His door suddenly opened, and I was getting ready to hear her shout, but she simply smiled the smallest smile and looked towards me. "Bella, your parents are downstairs." And then she looked towards Cody. "Me and you are having words. Don't forget that you have that wedding today."

"I know, mom." Cody sighed, falling against his mattress. "I haven't forgotten."

"Okay, well can you both come downstairs please." And then she shut the door, her footsteps getting smaller the further away she walked.

"I'm so grounded after this wedding." Cody sighed, sitting back up to cross his legs. Meanwhile, I grab my jeans off the top, quickly throwing them on. "I've probably gotten you into trouble, I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize." I smile before flipping my head forward to grab my hair together, throwing it into a bun. "I slept really well last night, it's worth the shouting."

Cody smiled when I took my phone off the counter. I have two missed calls off Ryan, but I'm too tired to reply so I lock it and place it into my pocket. "Well, are you ready?" Cody asked.

I nod when Cody stands up from the bed, throwing on a plain white shirt before opening the bedroom door, letting me walk through first. Cody slowly follows behind me when I walk down the stairs, instantly seeing Cody's parents and my parents both sat opposite each other.

"Bella Smith, we've been worried sick!" My mom shouts, standing up from her seat. "Why didn't you come home last night?"

"I fell asleep." I bite my lip, refusing to look my mom in the eye. "I haven't been sleeping well lately, I didn't mean for it to be all night. I'm sorry."

Damaged || Cody SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now