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I return home on a high, the film had been even better than I had expected however I did cry at the end. When I looked at Sam he had been crying too, we had loved our night eating snacks we had snook into the cinema. I had tried to be good and only eat nuts but I kept finding myself dipping my hands into Sam's bag of jelly beans. In the past few weeks I've eaten more junk food than I have in the past year and I can feel it on my hips. Thanks to my sugar free Red bull I'm still energised so I decide to do a little exercise. I change into my yoga pants and sports bra and head back downstairs. I route through my parents few remaining videos and find the holy grail. Jane Fondas work out video is my go to, it's older than I am but it's the best. I spend the whole 90 minutes sweating up a storm , if I do this every night I will be able to eat what I want and not put on any weight.

I check my phone and there's still nothing from Ark. He had said he would be busy so I don't let it bother me or I try not to at least. Were not a couple and we've only been out one time so I really can't expect too much. I've been single a few month now, I'm not use to this whole dating scene. With only 1 ex boyfriend under my belt I'm hardly an expert on what to expect.

While waiting for the film to start Sam and I had been looking at photos of arks daughter. Penelope has dark hair and big brown eyes, she's mixed race and extremely beautiful. All of her social media profiles are private so all I can see is her profile photos. Tmz had written an article about her last summer they claimed she went to a college in Washington and is best friends with the presidents daughters. There's really very little information online about her, I did manage to find a few photos of her at coachella. It appears that she lives a pretty private life and doesn't use her dad's fame. I'm not sure how close they are as I don't find any photos of them together since she was a child.

"Rose, why are you still up" my dad asks as he walks down the stairs.

"I'm just getting some water then ill go to bed, why are you up. I didnt wake you up did i"

I follow my dad into the kitchen, he turns on the kettle and pulls a cup from the cabinet. "I can't sleep I was gonna make some cooca, you want some"

I shake my head and grab a glass of water.

"I've got marshmallows" he says trying to entice me.

"I'm good, I'm trying to watch my weight"

My dad looks me over and sighs , "there's nothing to you, just because your boyfriend is famous doesn't mean you need to change yourself"

"he's not my boyfriend"

"even so you don't need to be anyone but yourself. Don't take your weight too seriously"

"dad I'm fine I just like the weight I am and I want to maintain."

"ok Rosie as long as you know what your doing"

"I do"

"oh I listened to your sisters ryder album"

My ears prick up, I'm not sure what my father will think about that type of music he's more of a Bryan Adams kind of guy.

"what did you think"

"it definitely reminds me of motley crue but yeah it's OK. There's a lot of songs about women and drugs" I can hear the worry in his voice.

"that's what rock stars sing about, it's pretty normal dad"

Dad hold his cocoa and stares at intently, he looks deep in though. "does ark take drugs

I wasn't prepared for this question and honestly I'm not sure that I know the answer." I don't think so, I mean in all the time I've spent with him the strongest thing he's taken is whisky"

"did he drink the day he Brought you home"

I shake my head, "he had sweet tea at the restaurant"

"your my baby, I just want to make sure your safe. I always expected you to date a doctor. I thought it would be dianne who would bag a Rock star"

"I haven't bagged him dad, we're just dating. It's not serious, we're just having fun"

My dad looks unsure, he's always been protective of me and I know this will be hard for him to understand. "I just want him to respect you, does he treat you well"

I think back to all the small things he's done for me and smile, "he does dad. I've never had a man open and close a door for me. I know it doesn't sound like a huge deal but it kind of makes me feel important"

"he's chivalrous huh, I like that. Just promise me you won't take any shit."

My dad kisses my head and drops his empty mug in the sink, he's half way out of the kitchen when he turns back to me.

"Rosie if anyone ever offers you drugs just say no. I mean it, that shits addictive. They may say one hit won't hurt but their wrong. The bigger person says no, remember that" he really does sound concerned. I've never been interested in drugs and dating ark won't change that.

"dad I swear I've never even seen drugs, if anyone offered me any I would tell them where to go. I don't work this hard on my body to put that crap into it."

"your a good girl Rosie, I love you"

"love you too dad"

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