prequel and publishing deal??

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hello my gorgeous readers!!

I hope everyone has been having a fantastic year so far. I've noticed that lately The Good and the Bad and The Hierarchy have been getting more and more attention and I love that with my whole heart. I've been stuck on my most recent story Just for the Summer. I'm very happy with how it's turning out but I have an idea and i need your opinions to decide what I should do.

I love The Good and the Bad with all of my heart and it's obvious you all like it as well. I was thinking earlier today and I was wondering if you wanted a THIRD book to be added to the series. Now i know you don't want to keep going on with people having kids and hearing about them and so on. I get tired of writing it believe me.

Then I got to thinking that I had a very good back story for Bronx and before she got to Georgia in The Good in the Bad. Then I remembered that there's things called prequel which is a story that takes place before the events of a prior book.

So my lovely people, would you like a prequel of not only Bronx's backstory but ALSO Damien's??

I'd love to know your feedback and opinions!!

I'd also like to add that i received my first book deal!! I was contacted a few weeks ago by an electronic/online publishing company!! They offered me a deal that I'm seriously considering taking. I want to succeed when it comes to writing and i'd love to do that for all of you. I can't say much about it quiet yet until it's all decided and finalized but I thought I'd let you know that i'm very excited.

happiness and hugs,


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