•bonus chapter•

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New Life•Jonathan's P.O.V.

I see her standing in the doorway with the ends of her hair turning golden just the way they did before summer. Her blue green eyes catching the light coming through the front door and my mom laughing. Her smile brings back memories. Memories I miss.

Her eye catches mine before breaking into an even wider grin. She rushes over to me, the waves bouncing in her hair with every step. She flies herself into my arms and mine circles arpund her. Shes by far my favorite family member next to my mother.

"Hey Slacker." I say to her smiling and calling her my the nickname I gave her when we were nine.

She used to take forever for everything. She would take her sweet old times not even thinking if we were annoyed. Which we all were. Always. So my dad used to say she was slacking off so she can do the dishes after dinner. Needless to say she started moving faster. We starred calling her Slacker in spite of that.

"Hey, you look great by the way."  She judges me with her elbow playfully.

I grin. "Thanks. I try."  I catch her with her eye roll and laugh.

I used to be skimpy and not attractive whatsoever but I changed, grew out my hair, made look for myself.

"Hey, j, why don't you take Bronx out." My mom suggests. "She hasn't been here in forever. Why don't you take her to the high school for the end of summer bash. she cane meet some people before school starts."

I look down at her small frail frame for a response. "Sure, it couldn't hurt right?" She replies.

"Let me grab my phone and we can go." I tell her and run back upstairs to get my phone.

In reality I'm just slipping away to text Damien.

Damien Hunter has been my best friend since I was three. Its fairly uncertain when or how we became friends but it happened and I remember it. As we grew older, however, he started to change into basically a different person. He became the worst kid in school and entertaining for teachers. He was with a different girl every night and it was disgusting.

I know Bronx is pretty and other guys see it too. When I would hang out with her in Connecticut, I saw the way guys looked at her. It was gross. There was no way Damien wanted to miss out on that.

I rush downstairs and enter the foyer. My aunt and Bronx stop talking and turn to me.

"Ready?" I ask her and she nods before saying goodbye to my mom. Her and I go out to my car.

"So how's Connecticut been, Slacker?" I ask her once we're cruising down the  street with  windows rolled down and the familiar lingering summer air coming in.

"You know, same old same old. It's been a cold a summer though." She says.

"That's a bummer." Even though its always a cold summer there.

"Yeah, but how have you been? Do you have a girlfriend yet?" She asks. She is always teasing me about how I never have a girlfriend and I'll be forever single.

I smirk. "Maybe."

"Do tell baby cous." She says. She is six months older than me and she makes sure to remind me of it.

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