New Life

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I stand in front of their door with nerves running through me. I haven't seen them in forever. I really regret agreeing with my mother on this decision. Not that my opinion would have mattered one way or another. She still would have sent me. It was either that or live with my dad and I just can't deal with that.

I knock on the door hearing the echo of the sound go through the house. I wait patiently for the door to open and when it does, it reveals my aunt with a huge smile on her face. She drops her hand from the door and hurries out to hug me. I drop the bags in my hands and hug her back.

"Bronx, ugh, I've missed you so much, sweetie." She says holding me tight. She moves back and places her hands on either side of my shoulders and looks me in the eye with a smile. "you've grown up so much. you look just like your mother."

I smile at her. "thanks, Aunt B."

My aunt and I have the same name So we call each other B.

"Come on let's go inside. Johnathan will be happy to see you." She says moving out of the way to let me inside.

We each grab a few bags of mine and walk inside. I look around remembering coming here a lot when I was little. Jonathan and I used to run up and down the double spiral staircase and the loser had to eat whipped cream. It was a serious punishment considering we both hated whipped cream. We used to play with my sister, who's across the world in college right now, and have raced in the pool out back. Or at Christmas when we would see who had the most gifts but we always knew we had the same amount. I miss it.

"the house is just like I remember it,"I say putting my bags by the stairs.

"Some things never change darling," she says with a close-lipped smile.

I look over at the doorway and see Johnathan walking in. I haven't seen him in a while and he looks so different.

John was always that kid in the friend group who was popular and cute. not many girls were attracted to him but he wasn't ugly. Apparently, I missed the part where he grew a foot, worked out and suddenly became not a nerd. He smiles at me and I return the gesture.

I rush over to him and give him a hug. His arms circle around me and pull me closer to him. he's like my big brother. "Hey, Slacker."

yep, I've missed him.

"Hey, you look great by the way," I said nudging him.

He smiles. "Thanks. I try." Yep, still cocky.

"Hey, j, why don't you take Bronx out. She hasn't been here in forever. Why don't you take her to the high school for the end of summer bash? She can meet some people before school starts." Aunt B suggests.

Johnathan looks down at me seeking my approval. "Sure, it couldn't hurt right?" I say.

He smiles. "Let me grab my phone and we can go."

John disappears upstairs and my Aunt and I are left alone.

"So how's Camilla?" She asks curiously about how my sister is doing.

"Amazing. She loves the foreign exchange program. She says Italy is more amazing then what grandma makes it out to be." I tell her.

"Has she gone to Venice?" she asks.

"yes! I'm so jealous too. She won't stop sending me pictures." I say rolling my eyes.

"It's truly beautiful. I can't wait until you and Jonathan can go," she says just as he comes back into the room.

"Ready?" He asks me and I nod.

"bye Aunt B,"  I say to her with a smile.

"Bye honey, have fun you two," she says before going into the kitchen.

The Good and the BadKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat