First Day

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"You almost ready Bronx?" John says lightly knocking on my door. "My mom wants to take the first day of school picture because apparently she still does that."

I laugh. "Yeah, I'll be down in a second."

I look in the mirror in my room one more time trying to decide if this is how I should make my first impression on this school. I'm wearing high waisted white ripped jeans, pink crop top and a creme colored cardigan that reaches my thighs. I tilt my head to the side causing my curled brown hair to fall to the side. I decide it's fine and grab my dance bag and book bag and head downstairs.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs I find Aunt B messing with Johnathan's hair. I laugh at the sight and John rolls his eyes and moves away from his mom.

"You look amazing B.," aunt b says to me and smiles which I return before going to stand next to Johnathan. "Okay say cheese!"

John and I force a smile and a bright flash goes off blinding me for a split second. B looks at the picture and smiles. " I'm getting this framed." she announces and gives us each a kiss on the cheek. "Have a good day. Good luck Bronx."

"Bye Aunt B," I say and follow John outside.

It's not until we're a few blocks away from school until John says something about the excessive tapping of my nails on the glove compartment.

"Are you nervous or something?" he asks amusedly.

"Oh my god, yes! What if everyone here judges me? I'm a likable person and everyone is just going to hate me. They're going to think I'm a nerd for being smart and that I dance. oh, no senior year is going to suck." I whine and out my face in my hands.

"Okay calm down. no one is going to judge you for dancing because a third of the school dances and no one is going to hate you," he says completely sure of this as he parks his car.

"Ugh, you better be right," I say before grabbing my bag and getting out of the car.

"I know I am," he says and throws an arm over my shoulder as we both look up at the gigantic school and I sigh.

We walk inside and I know I already don't fit in here. Everyone knows each other so well and I'm just here. Not knowing anyone and back to being an outcast.

"See? Not bad at all, right?" he says.

"Yeah," I say not feeling it. "Totally."

"so we won't have any classes together, but you'll have all your classes with Aspen. If you're in drama you have your classes with them, if you're in music you have your classes with them and the same goes for dance. Everyone has lunch at noon together though." he explains. "I'll be at y car at three thirty, okay? I'm pretty sure dance people have dance 101 first in the studio which is right there," he says pointing to a door. "Good luck slacker."

"I'll need it,"I say as I start towards the door.

"Bronx!" I hear someone yell and I turn around to see Aspen running towards me and relief washes over me. A familiar face. "We have to change before class so follow me," she says and moves through the crowd of people. she reaches a locker room and holds the door open for me and follows me inside. A pretty big handful of girls are there already changed and stretching. they turn and look at me.

"Guys, this is Bronx, she's new so be nice."

A series of hey's and nice to meet you's reach me. maybe this year won't be that bad. I go into a changing stall and slide on spandex and a Nike sports bra just like everyone else is wearing. I have to admit I'm insanely skinny and it makes me uncomfortable because people assume I'm anorexic which I'm not. I was but I just never could recover correctly so I still look like I am.

The Good and the BadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora