Build a Connection

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He brings the bike to an abrupt stop and I get off of it so quickly basically throwing the helmet at him. I hold myself as he laughs at my reaction.

"Chill out Valentine. It's just a motorcycle," he says patting the seat and getting up.

"It's just a death trap is what it is."I shoot back. "what are we anyway?"

"An abandoned zoo," he answers and starts walking forwards.

"An abandoned zoo? I ask confused.

"Yeah, I used to come here all the time. I still do. it's where I think." he tells me as he pushes a huge iron gate open and walks through.

there are tons of abandoned and empty animal exhibits. Where animals once used to roam are now occupied with leaves and mud and nothingness. He hops the fence to an exhibit that has a tree in it and I follow his suit. he climbs the tree and I stand at the bottom.

"are you coming up, love?" he asks.

"I've never climbed a tree!" I call back up to him.

"You're kidding right?" he asks and I shake my head.

He sighs and gets down to a low enough branch to help me up and pulls me to the first branch. "Just step wherever I step."

I do just that and manage to get to the same branch as Damien to sit down next to him. "That is why I don't climb trees," I say breathlessly.

"It's the climb that leads you to the beautiful destination," he says turning my head with his index finger and my chin

I'm found staring in awe at a gorgeous sunset. it fades with the colors looking like a bunch of mixed up emotions falling into places. It's gorgeous.

"How'd you even find this place?" I ask as I hold out my hand and watching the light from the trees hit it a certain way.

"Like anyone finds any place. You just have to know where to look," he explains.

"Johnathan and I used to go to the lake down here with my sister whenever I would stay for the summer. This one time we found a cliff and it becomes like our spot. It was so pretty and it was all ours." I say, remembering the day we found it

"You know, I can't believe he never introduced me to you," he says with a smile that no one could turn away.

I feel my cheeks burn with heat and I know he can see me blushing because I'm so pale. I try and hide it with my face and look away.

"Yeah me too," I mumble as I try to play it cool.

He puts his hand on top of mine causing me to look down quickly and back up in those eyes. God, is it possible for someone to be so perfect? He smiles again sending a shiver down my spine.

"You're really pretty," he says stroking his thumb on my cheekbone and hitching my breath in my throat.

"T-thank you." I stutter and look away.

"Let's play 20 questions," he says. "What's your favorite color?"

"Um, probably yellow. It's a happy color." I answer with a shrug. "What's yours?"

"Black," he answers and I roll my eyes.

"Why am I not surprised?" I ask as I shake my head.

"Signature bad boy color, love. You shouldn't be. Favorite food?" He asks.

"Ooh, definitely margarita pizza," I say. "That stuff is amazing I'm telling you."

"Italian?" He asks amused at my love for pizza.

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