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Some things are meant to last forever, others? not so much.

The funeral was simple. there wasn't a lot of us. only the people who knew him the best and their families. I didn't want Reece to go because I knew her and I knew she wouldn't have been able to handle that. I mean I could barely handle that.

My mom's cancer cells are ever so slowly dying. I've been with her every day until this week. she got the chemo but she's still not sure it's going to work.

so we're bumping up the wedding.

a week from today.

so somehow, someway I need to find six bridesmaids dresses, a wedding dress, a flower girl dress, a venue, a caterer, someone to do the ceremony, a wedding cake, flowers, tuxedos for Alex and his groomsmen and still be able to do my classes.

I drop my head on the kitchen counter and groan.

"Are you okay?" I hear him ask and I look up to meet those blue eyes.

"No. i wish I was but no." i reply resting my cheek against my hand. "I actually have to plan this wedding by myself. Camilla is finding dresses. Alex is working and my mom is in Connecticut."

"Maybe..." he says sliding into the seat next to me and looking over at my notebook. "you shouldn't be getting married at twenty."

i shoot my gaze over to him my eyebrows together. "why not?"

He sighs and runs a hand through his dark hair. "Love, i'm happy for you, don't get me wrong but,  is this really what you want?"

"if this is your idea to get me with you Damien so suggest you give up and leave." I snap and shut my notebook. i stand up and walk away from him. soon enough his hand encircles around my wrist and he pulls me around and our chests almost collide. i hitch a breath in my throats and gaze up at him clutching my notebook to my chest.

"You can't look at me and tell me you don't love me." he whispers searching my eyes for...something. anything.

i shake my head and force my eyes to the floor.

"Look at me Bronx. Look at me and tell me you don't love me." he says more demanding this time.

"No." i say keeping my eyes to the ground.

"Tell me you don't and I'll let you go."


"Tell me B"

"I can't!" i yell finally looking up and meeting those damn eyes again. i get lost with my eyes filling with tears. "I can't."

"Why not?" he asks

"Because I can't stop loving you." I shake my head. "It's close to impossible."

He looks at me for a while. "I told you, you shouldn't get married at twenty. especially to someone you don't love."

He releases my wrist and goes to walk to the front door.

***W E D D I N G   D A Y***

The whole week leading up to the wedding was horrible for me. i couldn't sleep. i couldn't eat. Damien's words kept replaying in my head over and over and over again. It was like I knew he was write but didn't want to believe him.

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