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I get to Aspens and slam the car door as I walk towards it.

The ignorance of this boy.

I walk into the house looking for Aspen. The house us decorated perfectly for Halloween with fancy pumpkin lights being draped form the middle to the pout sides of every room. I walk into the kitchen through a "door" of tool with spiders etched into it. I look ahead of me seeing Aspen scared, Johnathan mad and a man, who I don't recognize whatsoever. The attention in the room settles on me when I walk in.

Johnathan looks at me scared shitless. Same goes for Aspen.

"What's going on?" I ask curious.

A second later Damien comes in a full force through the door. He looks at the man, the Johnathan, then finally me.

"I need to get you out of here, now." He orders wrapping his hand around my small wrist.

I don't budge and look around. The man across from me is tall and has dark black hair. He has hazel green eyes that could pierce a soul. He smirks at me before looking at Damien.

"Who's this?" He asks.

Damien stops tugging at my wrist and drops it. "No one."

"No one huh?" He questions stepping forwards towards me. "What's your name sweetheart?"

"Um Bronx Valentine." I spit out.

"Another Valentine." He says smiling. "Friend of your Johnathan?"

"Maybe." He shrugs.

"Leave her alone, Cordon." Damien snarls.

"She must be important to you." He says with a wicked grin on his face. "She's gorgeous. Looks just like her father."

"What is going on?" I demand hoping someone has the decency too tell me.

"Gorgeous, this is my uncle." Damien says through gritted teeth. "He's in the mafia."

I go numb standing there.

"Pleasure to meet you Bronx. I just saw your father by the way. He's doing great." Cordon tells me like we're old friends.

"How do you know my father?" I ask shakily.

He shrugs. "Old friends."

"Cordon, leave. Its Aspen's house." Damien demands.

"Watch it Damien. Your little girlfriend might end up somewhere you don't want her to be." Cordon whispers just loud enough for me to hear.

Damien's hand around mine tightly and pulls me into him and away from Cordon. Cordon smirks at the gesture.

"Happy Halloween Bronx. I hope I can meet you soon." He says with suspense dripping from his throat.

I turn to Damien. "I know you are going to tell me what the hell that was about." I demand. "Now."


About three years ago I was pulled into my Uncle's drug lord business or whatever. It was completely by accident. I never planned on it happening. I never would have wanted it to happen. I was with him when he had to go somewhere and found out too much. He told me that I was in his gang now and anything mg he told me to do, I had to.

About six months ago I tried leaving. I knew it was a minute the moment I thought it. My Uncle threaten my mother and father and my life and even my brother's against me leaving. I couldn't leave then. I started getting into a lot of deep shit with my uncle. I thought I cud expose one of his drug deals, but it backfired. He almost killed me for it.

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