Pool Daze

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"Morning sunshine." Someone says in my ear and u groan before opening my eyes and seeing the face of Damien Hunter standing above me.

I scream and sit up so quickly. I pulled the yells covers towards me breathing heavily from being alarmed. "What are you even doing here!?"

He laughs and stands up straight, crossing his arm over his broad chest. "Thought I'd visit my bet friend. Johnathan told me to wake you up." He answers with a smirk that I want to punch off his face.

"You don't need to come in here and scare the shit it of me though," I complain swinging my legs over to the side of the bed and placing my face in my hands.

"How was your hang over yesterday?" He asks amused.

"Dreadful, can you leave?" I ask looking up and met in those beautiful eyes.

"Fine, but we'll be n the pool if you need us." He coos leaving the room, the ego level dropping to an extreme once he leaves.

I sigh and look at the time. 12:37. Well, I'm the most unproductive teenage girl ever to exist. I sigh before pushing my lazy self off of my feet and head over to the dresser. I fish through the drawers searching for thee one bathing suit I know I brought with me. I finally find my polka dot string bikini after searching. I change into it making sure to pull shorts on over top. I throw my knotted hair into a messy bun and grab a towel and sun glasses.

My fingers run over my rib cage and I sigh. I promised myself I would make myself look normal again. I'm going to stay true to that. I go downstairs and B is sitting at the computer looking fairly annoyed. "You okay, Aunt B?" I ask as I take a water out from the fridge.

She sighs and shakes her head. "The things I do for my sister." She says rolling g her eyes and referring my mother.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Oh, you know. The usual. She needs me to do the bills for her company." B says rolling her eyes and jotting numbers down on a sheet of paper.

I laugh. Sounds like my mother. "Have fun with that, B!" I call walking out the back and onto the deck.

I turn forwards. That's when I see my cousin and then the three hottest guys to walk the planet. Jack, Antonio, and of course Damien are all either in or lounging around the pool, shirtless and never looking better. Jack laughs at something and my memory from Friday night comes back to me kissing him. I blush at the thought but keep walking.

The boys' attention is on my pretty quickly. I ignore them and Damien's ever-present smirk that sits on his perfect face. I sit on a chair next to Jack and smile at him

"Hey, guys," I say putting my sunglasses on.

"Uh hey, Slacker," Johnathan says confused. "What are you doing out here?"

"Um, I live here?" I say with a laugh.

Jack and Antonio laugh too before I roll my eyes and lean back to get tan. I might be pale, sure but I can tan. It's in my blood. As I sit there for what seems like an hour all the boys are suddenly too quiet for my liking. I open and eye and lift my sunglasses up to see Jack rushing over to me and picking me up bridal style.

I scream and wrap my arms around his neck. "Jack put me down! What the hell are you doing?"

He laughs and stops walking looking me in the eyes. For some reasons, the butterflies don't come this time. Strange. I push the thought aside. "Should I do the honors or you?" Jack asks Damien who suddenly is in view.

"What are you guys doing? Where are Antonio and Johnathan?" I ask.

"Getting food." Damien answers. "and I'd love to Jackson."

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