My Daughter

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"Bronx, I don't know what to say." He says shaking his head.

I started crying somewhere throughout the story so I wipe a collection of tears from my left cheek. "I-i never thought that it was real until now."

"Do you still, like, miss it?" He asks and I look at him puzzled.

"Miss what?"

"The baby. Do you miss it?" He asks again.

Her name was Caprice nickname Reece. We wanted to name her after one of us. I remember learning the gender and I was ecstatic. Nick, even being the dick he was and getting me pregnant, got excited too. He even built the crib for her himself. Then he burned it when she left. He blames me for it. He blames me for being self conscious and anorexic. That I got panic attacks and couldn't handle being a mother. But I blame him for making me suffer through that. And he knows what he did was wrong and we both wouldn't gave experienced the pain of loosing a child if he was just smart.

"Yeah. A little some days and a lot others. I had her for three days. I feel like that if I didn't gave those three simple days, that it would have been easier. She was gorgeous, Damien. The worst part is I want her back everyday and I can't. Nick signed that paper because I had mono and couldn't make it. I let him sign away the rights to my child. I just-"

"Bronx." He says interrupting me.

"Damien I was talking."

"No, I mean yes sorry but, you said Nick signed away the rights. Adoption papers need both parents signatures." He explains.

"I just said Nick signed..." I start to say but come to the realization.

I didn't sign anything. I have any rights I want. She's still mine.

"Damien." I say grabbing his hand and looking straight ahead. "Damien I can get my daughter back."

"Yeah, do you remember who you gave her to?" Damien asks.

Of course I remember. I gave her to the most trusted family I knew.


After I informed Aspen, because come on the girl is my best friend, I went to my Aunt seeking her approval.

"Aunt B, I can do this. She's only a year and a half. I never wanted to give her up." I explain.

"Bronx, I understand where you're coming from honey but, you haven't graduated or even done the winter showcase." Aunt B says.

"B, I don't want her to grow up thinking I didn't love her. I don't what her thinking I gave yo on her or that she wants good enough. She deserves to be with me. Harpers promised me and so did her mom I could see her whenever. After I gave her up though, I never hung around Harper. It hurt too much. I never signed away my right so she's 100% mine." I tell her determined to her my daughter back.

It sounds so weird. My daughter.

"Mom, come on. You saw her that year. She was a mess." Johnathan says.

"She's obviously torn up about this, B." Damien adds

"I'd let her go. Its her daughter and I wouldn't want my mom leaving me." Aspen agrees.

"Aunt B, its her decision." Camilla says. "Yet she still wants your approval."

Aunt B smiles a little. "I'll stay home from work until you graduate to watch her while you're at school. You can leave tonight."

"Are you serious?" I ask not believing she said yes.

She nods.

I literally squeal and jump into my sisters arms. I was going to get her back and no one is going to stop me.

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