Pink Ferraris

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"This will be the most important event of your high school career." Mrs. Blackwell says to all of us in class Monday morning. "Your schedules have been flipped as you can tell. All the leads will not have any classes except for dance on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Your regular classes including your normal dance classes will only be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You will work so hard that you want to die at the end of the day. This will be your shot for Julliard to notice you. So I suggest you apply yourself with everything you have." She instructs suddenly becoming by far my worst nightmare.

"Now, I need Cinderella front and center for the opening dance," She says.

I walk to the middle and take the first position.

It only takes me a billion and one times for Mrs. Blackwell to be happy with my dance. She's not really my favorite anymore.

We run through all of the dances before finally getting to the only one I like. The prom one. I feel like I've danced it my whole life and it just speaks to me. Damien meets me in the middle. Its really the only dance we have together and I'd be lying if I say I don't look forward to it.

As we dance I feel this pull between us. You know how they say opposites attract? This is what it feels like. It's like a magnetic pull. Not like a feelings connection but I think its the connection
Mrs. Blackwell wanted.

The music flows through me like water off a duck's back. Simple. Slow. Easy. Damien's eyes don't leave mine the whole time. No matter what turn we make or ways we move, our eyes are still together. I end up in the same end pose I have a billion times before. My hands locked around his neck. My forehead lightly pressing against his as my body molds the shape of his. His arms around me and our eyes still together.

Someone starts clapping and it cause me to move away from Damien putting enough distance between us. Mrs. Blackwell has the by far most joyful expression I've ever seen on her face. "That is the connection I'm talking about! Everyone saw that right? It was amazing. I was intrigued. I wanted more. That's how you should always leave the audience during emotional dances. I'm impressed."

I smile at her. Maybe she isn't so bad after all. I glance over and Damien who winks at me. I smile faintly and turn back to Mrs. Blackwell.

"If you two don't mind, I need you in here during lunch with your understudies to see how you dance with them." Mrs. Blackwell says and Damien and I nod.

"Okay take a water break and we'll run through the graduation dance and then lunch." She says.

I finally breath not even realizing I was holding my breath. I walk over to Aspen and sigh before grabbing my water bottle and drinking whatever is left.

"That was intense to watch," Aspen says before taking a drink of water.

I furrow my eyebrows. "Was it? It was intense with everyone staring."

"No, it was intense because you two made it intense," Aspen says looking over at Damien and back at me. "You don't have feelings for him do you?" She asks

I spit my water out causing a scene. I wipe off my mouth and gape at her. "Are you on drugs, As? No, I don't have feelings for Damien Hunter. You're crazy."

"Alright, gee. It was a question. I was just stating what I see. And what I see is telling me different, Bronx." She says quirking an eyebrow.

"You're wrong Aspen."

"Right, and the sky is turning neon pink. Grow up." She rolls her eyes and walks away.

She's crazy. She has to be. Because if she is, that means I won't be.

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