It'll Be Okay

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*majority of this will be in Damien's P.O.V. and shorter than most chapters*

four days.

I have been without him for four long days. He's just a guy right?


As much as that idiot drove and still drives me crazy, he was basically my other half. He brought me to an abandon zoo. He comforted me. He sat in the pool with me. He brought me to his house after a broken heart. He waited for me in the hospital. He went to Connecticut with me to find my daughter. He fought with me. He dancer with me. He was just there.

But he made his choice. And I made mine. And none of that really matters anymore, come to think of it.

Because he's not mine and I'm not his.


four days.

I haven't seen her face in four days. I haven't heard her laugh in four days or seen her smile. I haven't teased her or felt her touch against mine. I haven't kissed her or hugged her or just...been with her.

What really happened on Thanksgiving is a huge misunderstanding.

Zoe is a family friend. My dad's best friend's daughter. We've known each other since we were babies. I never got along with Zo until we were at least twelve. I would pull her hair and throw her toys in the trash. It was all because I liked her though. Zoe and I dated eighth garde until the summer before sophomore year. We were a good enough couple. I mean we were only fourteen and fifteen.

The whole relationship ended badly. I found out she was using me so she was popular. She wanted everyone to like her so she used me. I broke up with her and door two years following we've had a weird hook up relationship. Every time we saw each other we would have sex. Literally anywhere. But that all ended the minute I told Bronx I loved her.

We were dancing and catching up and she just kissed me. I told her I had a girlfriend and I tried to pull away but she wouldn't let me. Then I saw Bronx and I just...broke a little.

The girl means everything to me. She's not like other girls. She can get through the worst times and the best times with nothing but her smile. She can make your day by just being there. She can be something you never expected because she's unpredictable in the best way. She lives life like an open book. She's never done anyone harm or done something bad to someone that wasn't worth it. She was and is the best example of person there is.

I don't know what it is about her. Maybe its her laugh. Or her eyes. Or her smile. Or maybe it could be her hair. Or her voice or her one-of-a-kind personality. Or maybe it was her optimism. Or her love for others. Maybe it was her generosity or her selflessness. Whatever it was, it made me fall pretty damn hard.

She told me she wasn't disposable.

She was right.

She told me she wasn't like other girls.

She was right.

She told me she shouldn't have given me her heart.

She was right.

She told me that she shouldn't have open up to me so much.

She was right.

And now I have no say in what happens next. If anything even happens. I just miss her. So I just have to wait it out.

Or maybe its just a sign to move one.

Even if its hard.

But it'll be okay.

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