Wing It

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I take a breath as my back presses against the cold wall, knife clutched close to my chest. I can hear this conversation and its making me more and more uneasy by the second. Cordon has four guys with him. Two are searching for me upstairs. One downstairs and pout side with him and one supposedly watching the guys. I can hear Cordon saying that once he gets his hands on me and uses me for what he wants, Damien will be begging to let me go and he'll easily force him in the gang. What a jerk.

My plan?

Don't really have one. I'm just going to wing it with this knife and see where it takes me. Hopefully not towards death. I peer around the corner and see them all in distress. All of them struggle to undo the ties and their heads hang low. I catch Jonathan's eye and his grow wide. I bring a finger to my lips telling him to stay quiet. He nods. I hear the back door open and voices fade before it shuts again. Here goes nothing.

I tip toe into the room, back still against the wall, trying to be sure not to wake meat head over there.

"Bronx, what are you doing? I told you to leave." Damien whispers as I kneel in front of him.

I smile faintly. "Who said I listen, Loser? Did you really think I was going to let your sorry butt die?"

He returns the smile before I get to cutting all their ties open. When I reach Jack he opens his mouth to say something but I hold up a hand telling him no. "Not the time."

He nods.

"We need to get you out of here." Damien says as his hand encloses around my small wrist. I look at him and nod. We all start for the front door before a terrifying voice sends chills down everyone's spines.

"Where do all of you think you're going?" Cordon's voice sounds through the open room.

We slowly turn around, me hiding Damien as I cover the knife and tuck it in my waistband. Cordon peers around Damien and sees me before grinning.

"There's the stunning girl " he says. "Give her to me."

Damien and Johnathan scoff. "Over our dead bodies."

"You can't control us, Cordon." Antonio sneers. "Your sick games aren't fun."

"But they're fun for me Tony." Cordon says happily. "Now, the girl."

"Its fine." I tell Damien looking up at him.

"Are you insane!? No!"

"Damien, please." I look down at my knife hoping he'll catch it. He does. His mouth falls open a little before nodding. I kiss his cheek before walking over to Cordon who thanks me towards him the rats of the way. I wince in pain. As he tucks in a hair behind my ear I lean back, turning my head away and sucking in a breath.

"So fragile and pretty." He awes.

I get a grip in the knife. "Suck a dick, A-hole." Then the dagger is stabbed in his side and he shrieks in pain, clutching his side and falling to the ground after I remove it.

I killed a man.

Well this should be one hell of a story to tell my daughter.

I drop the knife from my shaking hand and it clanks on the floor. The sounds going on around me go mute as I slide down to the floor with y back against the wall. My head tilts back and I close my eyes. I did not just kill him, did I?

"You little bitch." I hear Cordon spat and before I can react I feel the same pain I endured towards him shoot up my side. I open my eyes to meet his dark grey ones, cold and furious. He falls to the ground and he finally dies.

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