Lesson Learned V2 | 2Seok

Start from the beginning

He swung his hips as he walked, grinning as stares followed him down the hallway. He heard several whistles and a few cat calls, which he blew kisses to the owners of. However, as he rounded the corner, a hand grabbed the back of his backpack and pulled him to the side. Seokjin stumbled with wide eyes into a dark and very empty classroom, nearly falling as he blindly caught himself on an empty desk. Seokjin looked around in confusion, attempting to make out his surroundings; it was too black to see much aside from the silhouette of another student near the now closed door of the classroom.

The sound of a lock clicking made run cold. What kind of psychopath locks someone in a room? Seokjin dropped his bag to the floor and attempted to back away from the person he couldn't see, but his hips kept hitting what seemed like every desk in the room and he gave up after a moment. His hips were now sore and he didn't like that. Seokjin rubbed them absent mindedly, keeping his eyes on the person still standing near the door. Just as Seokjin was wishing for some sort of light, the classroom light flickered on and his zoned in on the person who had trapped him rather successfully in the empty classroom.

His brows furrowed as he took in a fellow student he hadn't seem before. His black hair was wavy and was parted down the middle, stopping at his ears and a smug smirk was pulling at his lips. Seokjin couldn't deny that the teenager was attractive. Relief flooded through his veins when he realized that there was no danger here. He smiled and continued to chew his gum, blowing a bubble and laughing when it popped loudly throughout the silent room.

The student moved forward and Seokjin was confident in his surroundings. He didn't believe he was in any kind of danger and he leaned back against the desk behind him comfortably. "No offense, but who exactly are you? I mean, you're obviously desperate for some alone time with me, which isn't surprising, but what's your name? I haven't seen you before."

"Jung Hoseok. And I'm not desperate. I'm patient, in fact. I've been waiting for this moment for months." Seokjin raised a brow when Hoseok began to unbutton the shirt of his school uniform, his nimble fingers quick and more and more of his chest was being exposed as the seconds passed.

"Uh-huh." Seokjin smacked his gum and shrugged. "I'm not surprised you have. Who wouldn't want a hit at me? I'm hot as fuck." Seokjin ran a hand through his hair in demonstration, only to gasp in surprise when he was suddenly bent over the desk he had been previously leaning against. Hoseok's hand curled into his hair and pulled his head back. "What are you doing? Get off of me- mmph!"

Seokjin's words were cut off when a pair of lips pressed to his, effectively cutting of his speech. His eyes were wide, but he soon melted into the kiss, even smiling when Hoseok's soft lips moved against his in the perfect rhythm. Seokjin had kissed plenty of guys before, but usually it had been himself who had the control. He was shocked at Hoseok's confidence and daring moves. When Hoseok bit down onto Seokjin's bottom lip, a line was crossed and Seokjin pulled away, his fingers pressed to his sore lip. He frowned at Hoseok's smug smirk.

"What was that for? I could have you kicked out of the school for that! Think again the next time you decide to- " Seokjin was only halfway through his rant when Hoseok gave his hair a harsh yank. Pain heated his scalp and he whimpered, attempting to pull away from Hoseok, but his grip was tight and unyielding. "What do you want? Money? I'll give you my credit card- "

Hoseok chuckled and shook his head. "Money? I don't need your parents' money. I've gotten fed up with you acting all high and mighty around this school, acting like you own the place. Well, news flash, princess, you don't. Might as well do as I say, because you don't have a choice either way."

Seokjin whimpered and nodded, feeling his cock harden inside his school uniform. The thought of Hoseok having his way with him, putting him in his place turned him on even more. He bit his already sore lip and wiggled his hips impatiently. He gasped in surprise when Hoseok smacked his ass lightly. Hoseok smirked and leaned close to the elder's ear, nibbling on the shell before whispering,

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