CH. 61 What is right?

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Ch. 61 What is right?

(Olivia POV)

What is right to be done? The woman who scared me more than any monsters or demons throughout my life was alive and here I was wondering about what I should do.

Why should I even be thinking about what to do about this woman? The thing is, you can grow up and try to forget the past, but anything can trigger it or make you remember all the things you've gone through.

It could be something small, something you've seen, something you've heard or it could have just hit you from out of nowhere. That's all it takes for you to remember something so horrible like that.

I appreciated how Jake has been helping me stay at ease, how he has been helping me with everything and it was honestly amazing with everything he has done for me.

I was recalling what Jake and I had discussed earlier regarding that evil woman, what he made me realize is that I had to kill her before because there was no other choice but now I do have a choice.

I could just walk away from this situation, I could just leave it alone and not even bother going to see her. Yes, that be an easy way out of it but yet I would still be haunted because I didn't get closure. So in reality, I was going to have to go through this for closure.

I needed closure, I needed to get the little Olivia girl who was so scared and afraid of the world closure. I deserve that much, so it's decided. I will go see her, with better luck she won't be able to move or do anything. With better luck, she won't recognize me.

As crazy as it sounded I just wanted to get these things over with. I wanted to focus on Jakes life, Jake has been focusing on me and getting my closure but what about his closure? He deserved that too.

So, going through my shit wasn't only for me but it was also for Jake, for our future and our future plans for each other.

I was in the bedroom, messaging the girls in the group chat on my laptop. My laptop ringed, letting me know I was getting in an incoming call. I answered and smiled as I saw Anastasia, more of my sisters starting popping into the group chat as they all answered the video call.

When we were all in, I let a sigh.

"So, how is everyone?" I asked them and each one of their facial expression told me that there was a story behind them.

"Well, how are you doing first?" Serena asked me, I noticed that she placed her book down and smiles at that. She was always reading.

I filled the girls in with everything that's been going on and their mouths dropped open.

"Oh my fucking God," Tara said with a shocking facial expression.

"What are you going to do?" India softly asked I pulled a strain of my hair which is something that I usually do when I can't come up with an answer.

"Liv..... Don't stress yourself about this, you don't even have to go see her." Grace said, letting it be known that I have other options.

"Exactly, fuck it, Olivia. You don't have to let it be known that you know she exists. This woman is a monster, she doesn't need to know that you know she's alive... Especially after you wanted her dead." Stella said and the others agree.

"Well, from what Olivia just told us she could just be a stack of potatoes. Not able to do anything." Esmeralda said shrugging her shoulders.

"I rather have that bitch be dead," Egypt said crossing her arms, I knew Egypt was disgusted that monster was still alive.

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