CH. 59 What is she thinking

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CH. 59 What is she thinking

(Jake POV)

When we reached the hallways, I heard the door behind me closed. I watch as Liv made her way towards the wall and leaned on it.

I rushed towards her.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, she shook her head and turned to look at me.

"I just got a really bad headache out of nowhere." She said. I stared at her closely, watching her facial expression to see how bothered she was on the very fact that her mother was alive.

The woman behind her pain, the woman that she thought was dead.

"She's alive," I said, Liv looked up at me and flinched. She let out a humorless laugh.

I could tell something inside of her broke.

"That woman is seriously a devil. The fact that she didn't even die in that fire, you know I use to be scared on the thought that she could be still alive, but now knowing that she is... Wow, she's alive, she's not supposed to be alive." Liv said shaking her head, tears falling down from her eyes.

"She's not supposed to be alive Jake, you know when I was in the hospital I had a dream about her, how crazy is it that she was even in my dreams. Now my dream, or should I say nightmare has become a reality. This monster is alive." She said shaking her head again as if she couldn't believe it. I pulled her into my arms. whispering soft words to her, words filled with love that I know would be able to at least help her keep calm.

"Liv I know this a lot to take in but I want you to think clearly exactly about what you really want to do okay?" I said to her, Liv was told a bunch of things just now and I had no idea how she was honestly taking it.

The fact that the main woman who was behind all her pain and suffering that she has gone through from a young age is alive. When Liv thought she was dead.

"Maybe part of me knew deep inside there could be way that she was still alive, I never saw a body but then I thought that the system kept it from me, just like how they kept Tucker and me apart," Liv said shaking her head.

"It's a lot to take in baby, just take your time okay. You've done a lot today and I don't want you to keep pushing yourself like this okay." I said to her softly, wanting her to understand that although she wanted to get all of this over with.

It wasn't honestly healthy for her, I know that Olivia might feel something after all of this. That everything might hit her at once and I don't think anyone knows how she would take it. So I was being extremely careful with the words that came out of my mouth next.

"Are you sure you want to confront her?" I asked Liv, she looked up at me with wide eyes, I smiled softly at her. She was shocked that I knew exactly what she was thinking.

"Liv, we're soul mates. I know you, are you sure you can confront her and if you plan to, what exactly are you planning to do when you confront her?" I asked her.

She looked at me and lowered her eyes, her facial expression proved to me that she was actually thinking about what I said.

"I think, I just want to see her." She said causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"You just want to see her?" I asked her, curious about what she meant by that. She just wants to see her, after she just took all those others down? There's no way Liv just wants to see this woman.

She nodded her head causing my eyes to widen.

"I want all of this to end, I want to see her. He said she's in a psych ward. That's punishment enough for her and he said she was burned badly, so I just want to see her. I don't think I'll do anything to her, but I want closure because the truth is. I honestly don't think I can really kill her, not because she didn't die the first time but because maybe deep inside I knew she wouldn't die. Did I really want to kill her?" She asked looking at me with a sad look.

"I think you did Liv, you set the house on fire and only took Tucker with you. I'm positive you wanted that woman dead." I said in a serious tone.

"Now the real question is, do you regret wanting her dead? Or is it because of the fact that you feel like she's still your mother that you shouldn't want her dead." I asked her, her eyes widen.

"It's okay Liv, trust me it's okay," I said to her.

"I don't know what to do when it comes to her, I shouldn't hesitate with her why am I hesitating?" She asked and I let out a sigh.

Knowing the answer and knowing that I was still going to say it.

"She's your mother that's why you're hesitating. When you were a kid you did it because you know you had no other choice but now you have a choice on what to do when it comes to her." I told her.

"I'll have to talk to Tucker, she's his mother too and maybe he'll come with us to see her also." She said looking at me and my heart tugged on her saying us.

I mean, there was no way in hell I was going to let her go see that woman without me but it was nice to hear that she included me in this also.

It's nice to know that she sees us as a team and being reminded that we are one.

"Of course my love," I said pulling her into a hug.

"Are you not scared of me?" She asked.

"Why would I be scared of you?" I asked her wondering why she would ask me that.

"After everything that just happened today, you still treat me the same and seem not to be scared." She said causing me to kiss her forehead.

"I know the real you, I love you and will always love you. I am your partner and there is nowhere I will rather be but with you. I'm not scared, I'll never be scared of you baby." I said I felt her wrapped her arms around me.

"Most people would be scared." She whispered and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, we're not like most people. No one in our family is, so we're fine." I said earning a chuckle from her.

"I love you." She said looking up at me.

I look down at her and smiled. "I love you too Beautiful, how's that headache of yours?" I asked her worried.

"I still have it." She said and I nodded my head.

"Okay, let's go get you something for it," I said walking away from the hallway with her.

Part of me didn't want Liv to see her mother, this was the woman who was the start of it all and the truth was I don't know how I would behave being in the same room with that horrible woman.

I wasn't only worried about Liv, I was worried about myself also. I would have to find a way to calm myself down when that happens.

I was also wondering, I know Liv wouldn't shut me out but I was curious.

Does she honestly just want to see this woman? After everything she just done to those other monsters and finding out that her mother was the mastermind behind all of it.

Does she honestly just want to see her.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

What do you Dolls think? Do you Dolls think Liv just honestly wants to see this woman?

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I can't wait to get into Jake finding out what happened to his parents and the woman who did that horrible thing to them.


-Kassandra Vivu

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