Chapter 8 My world

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Chapter 8 My World

Olivia POV

"Welcome to my world. Would you like some cookies and milk? I can bake you some cookies if you like?" I asked, placing my purse on the couch as I turned to face him.

Him, as in Jake. Yes, Jake was in my apartment this very moment. How did this happen? I don't even know, but he insisted on staying by my side that I had no choice but to invite him.

Not that I mind, you know. I know a hot man when I see it and when I tell you that Jake is beyond the definition of hot, I genuinely fucking mean it.

I mean, not to be weird or anything, but I'm glad he was the one who hit me with his car; having his attention filled with worried towards me wasn't too bad, especially when he stares at me with those eyes of his.

I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize that Jake was staring at me with a confused expression on his face.

Oops, I did it again. I was lost in thoughts while my eyes were focused on Jake again. I have to stop doing that.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something, so about those cookies and milk, would you care for some?" I asked him with a smile.

"Yes, thank you." He said, taking a seat on my couch.

 "Luna! I'm home!" As I headed towards the kitchen. I opened my kitchen cabinet and took the items I needed for the baking I was going to do.

"Meow Meow Meow." I heard Luna's meows. I looked around the kitchen to see if she was in here with me, but she wasn't.

That's strange. Her fat ass would be in the kitchen right now begging for food or treats from me.

It was when I heard the other meow that I realized where Luna was.

In the living room, with Jake.

I walked towards the living room, and my eyes widened from what I saw.

"Oh my Lord, Luna doesn't like anyone except for my sisters and me. She's not even friendly. How is it that you got her to behave this way towards you." I said as I stared at my cat, who was lying on Jake's lap and purring.

She usually hisses at my guest and gives them evil stares, but here she was, purring on Jake's lap and rubbing her tail on him.

Jake let out a laugh as he continued to pet her.

"No idea, she was staring at me from under the other couch, and as soon as I smiled at her, she came to me." He said as he scratched behind Luna's ear.

My cat let out another purr.

Wow, she just met him, and she's already behaving this way towards him? I've never seen her act this way before.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone," I said, letting out a small laugh as I walked back towards the kitchen to make the cookies.

When I finished working on the cookies and was putting the cookies in the oven, I made my way towards the living room and grabbed the remote.

"Do you mind if we watch a movie?" I asked Jake.

"A movie sounds good." He said.

I sat next to him and turned on the t.v. When I turned on my t.v it was already on the channel called lifetime.

"I see you like the lifetime channel?"Jake said with humor in the tone of his voice.

"Yes, I do, and look at that, a new movie is on. 'I killed my husband'. Let's watch it."

"Aha, well, this is interesting. Okay, sounds good. I bet I can figure out why this woman supposedly killed her husband." Jake said, causing me to smirk.

"I bet I can too; let's do it," I said to him.

 Jake is the first time I had a guy over my house, not counting the movers or the handyman that lives in my apartment building or counting the cable guy either, but this is the first time I had a guy over in this way.

Luna was meowing for attention, where I had to take her off of Jake's lap and bring her to her room. My apartment comes with this nice-sized closet in the hallway that I turned into Luna's room. I placed her on her little bed, told her to behave and walk out.

 "Sorry about Luna. She looks like she's developing a crush on you." I said, laughing. 

 "You have a beautiful laugh, let me see it more often. Well, it's good to know that Luna has developed a crush on me, I just have to get the other woman in the house to." Jake said smoothly causing my face to get heated.

         **********Kassandra speaks*********


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