CH. 60 Thanks for being here for me

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CH. 60 Thanks for being here for me

(Olivia POV)

I was sitting in the kitchen and Jake had got me some medicine, he was also in the kitchen making us something to eat and I was thinking of what to say to my sisters.

I knew they were all busy but I wanted to give them an update with everything that's been going on when I went on my phone. I noticed that I received text messages and saw that they were from the group chat.

It seems like my sisters were updating about what they were going through already and I sat there reading the messages, my eyes widened when I read each of their parts.

I was shocked that everyone was also going through something crazy, I sent a text to the group chat updating the crazy conflict I'm going through and was instantly being blown up by messages on the group chat with shock expressions. I just told them that my mother was alive and everything that happened.

I responded to my sisters, each of them asking me questions and wanting the questions to be answered, as much as I know they wanted to know about what was going on with me. I also wanted to know what was going with them too.

I wanted to know if there was anything that I could do to help and they felt the same way, they told me also if there was anything they could to do to help let them and I did.

Also telling them that I was going to help them also, I love my sisters and they're my family. It's amazing how we all found each other around the time that we did.

It was faith bringing us together, faith knew we needed each other to get through everything that we were getting through and it knew that we would be stronger together, knowing each other and uplifting each other.

I truly believed in that.

"Is everything okay?" Jake said approaching me and I nodded my head.

"Well, not really. Everyone is going through something and I'm just catching up with them all. It's just crazy what we all are going through right now." I said shaking my head.

"I'm glad I have you guys as my backbone, honestly. Having people by your side that will be there for you is an amazing thing and not most people are grateful for that, a matter of fact some people take it for granted but I won't and I never will. I'm grateful for my sisters, I'm grateful for you, I'm grateful for finding my dad and brother, I am especially grateful for making new friends along the way. So thank you." I said, Jake smiled at me and I felt my heart leap.

"You're so beautiful you know that?" He said bending his head down and placing a kiss on my lips.

I welcome the kiss, loving the way his lips felt against mine and knew that I would never get tired of his lips or anything that he does.

He places a kiss on my forehead and I smiled at that.

"The food is ready my love." He said and I let out a giggle.

"You know, I love the way you treat me and I hope you never stop treating me this way," I said, meaning it. I was not a person who was going to take these beautiful gestures that he does for granted. I was going to let him know how appreciated I was for everything he has done and everything he was going to do.

"Baby, there is nothing that is going to make me stop treating you like the Goddess you're, you deserved to be treated well and only well. You're very important to me, I love you very much. I really do." He said making eye contact with me and I saw the sincerity in his eyes when he said it.

"I love you too, very much," I said meaning it, he smiled.

"I hope our daughter looks like you." He said randomly causing me to laugh.

"I hope our son looks like you," I said causing him to chuckle.

"Oh our daughter is going to be my little princess for sure, and she isn't allowed to date until she's 30." He said with a serious tone to his voice.

I let out a loud laugh.

"Yeah, that's not going to happen," I said with a goofy smile on my face.

Jake smirked. "I know but I can hope. I'll beat up anyone who breaks my princess and little prince heart." Jake said causing me to laugh.

I knew that Jake really wanted to start a family with me, especially since this isn't her first time talking about it.

"Well, you can't beat the person up if they're a girl. I'll do that though." I said and he laughed.

"Teamwork, that's what I'm talking about, but all seriousness. We have to protect them as much as we can." He said and I nodded my head.

"You can count on that," I said, he smiled and nodded his head at me.

"Good, now let's go eat." He said taking my hand.

I smiled as he leads the way to the kitchen.

I found it cute when Jake got like this, how he just started talking about kids we haven't even had yet or consider making yet.

How he already knew that we both would protect them with all our strength. I love this side of Jake.

He's an amazing man and I know he's going to be an amazing father, he already proved it by his caring personality and how he is with me, how he is with my family.

I love this man.

"The food smells amazing, I can't wait to start eating it," I said as we entered the kitchen.

The food did smell really good, Jake led me to the table and had me have a seat.

"Alright my love, sit back and relax. Let me cater to you." He said causing me to laugh.

Oh, Jake, I have a feeling that you'll always be catering to me no matter what my love.

I thought to myself as I watch him walked towards the food.

I am definitely fine with that.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Jake is such a cutie pie, don't you Dolls think so?

What do you Dolls think Olivia sisters are going through? I'm sure if you've all read some of their stories, then you Dolls can get a hint what each one is going through (Some of the sister's stories are posted)

It's so obvious that he is so ready for the kids but of course, he wants everything handled first.

Don't you all love this couple?

Give this chapter a VOTE & COMMENT!!!


-Kassandra Vivu

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