Chapter 9 Let Me In

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Chapter 9 Let me in

Jake POV

I was being bold, but I couldn't help it. I also couldn't help the smile forming on my face.

She looked like she was about to say something but was interrupted by my phone ringing. It was a call from my assistant, letting me know that the people I wanted to meet with agreed to meet with me.

I spoke to my assistant for another minute and ended the call.

"I'm sorry about that; that was my assistant letting me know about a meeting I have later for the day," I said to her.

"Oh, that's fine; what do you do for a living?" She asked me.

I tilted my head, wondering how exactly I should answer her question.

I could tell her a bit of the truth, I don't think she would be able to understand everything. Especially after just meeting.

"I own a few companies and do other things as well," I said to her, not getting into any more details than that.

"That's good, you know. You don't exactly have to be here, especially if you're busy and all." She said to me, causing me to shake my head.

Oh, there is no place I will rather be right now.

"No, honestly, It's fine; I have time. Don't worry about it." I told her with a smile on my face.

Even if I did have something planned at this moment, I would undoubtedly reschedule to have more time with her.

 A timer noise came from the kitchen.

"That's the cookies. I'll be right back," Olivia said, walking towards the kitchen. 

I kept my stare on her. Something was wrong. She was walking as if she was starting to feel dizzy. When she leaned herself against the fridge in her kitchen, I knew what I was thinking was just now confirmed.

I rushed into the kitchen and picked her up, not minding that I was now holding her in a bridal position.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, looking down at her.

Her eyes were closed, and she was rubbing her forehead.

"I'm fine; I have a migraine and feel dizzy, that's all. It's nothing serious." She said in a soft voice, causing me to raise a brow at her brushing it off.

Nothing serious? The woman couldn't even walk in a straight line and had to lean herself against her fridge.

"I'm going to take you to your bedroom okay, you should honestly get some rest," I said, walking out of the kitchen and into the hallway where I am sure the door to her bedroom was.

I was able to find her bedroom, and immediately when I walked in, I could tell and feel the difference between this room, compared to the living room and kitchen. She had more paintings up in this room.

When I first entered Olivia's place, I noticed that she had some paintings on the wall, but I realized that she did these paintings when I entered her bedroom.

I had so many questions regarding them, but with a wincing Olivia in my arms, it was not the time to ask these questions.

I carried her towards her bed, placing her on it and ensuring she was comfortable before I spoke.

"Live, you sure you're okay? Do you need me to call someone?" I asked her in a concerned tone.

"No, seriously, I'm okay, just a little light-headed, that's all." She is still rubbing her forehead with her thumb and finger.

"Okay, how about I get you some painkillers, and I order us some lunch, okay? Sounds good?" I asked her.

"Yes, that sounds great. Thank you so much for this." She said, giving me a smile that almost made my heart leap with joy.

She honestly has no idea how beautiful she is, does she?

"I know this delicious Chinese cuisine restaurant. Is that okay with you?" I asked her.

"Yes, that's good with me." She said.

"Okay, I'm going to get you some water. Where do you keep your painkillers?" I asked her.

"In the bathroom right there cabinet." She said, pointing to the bathroom that was in her room.

I got her some painkillers and went back into the kitchen to get her some water as well.

I gave her the glass of water and painkillers to take.

"Do you want to lie in bed to eat, or do you want me to bring you back into the living room?" I asked her before I called the Chinese restaurant.

"If it's not too much trouble, you can bring me to the living room, but if you can't carry me anymore. I can get up," Olivia said, moving around on the bed.

"Oh, no, it's fine. I don't mind carrying you." I said as I picked her up and headed to the living room.

I placed her gently on the couch and made sure that she was comfortable.

"I'll handle the cookies," I said, watching her eyes widen.

"Oh my gosh. I forgot about them." She said, placing her hand on her forehead.

"It's okay, and I got it. Don't worry." I said, heading to the kitchen.

I put some oven mitts on and pulled the oven door open.

"The cookies are still good!" I yelled out to Olivia.

"Thank goodness, thank you for the help." She said.

I told her it was not a problem and took the cookies out of the oven for her, letting them cool down.

I took my phone out and dialed the Chinese cuisine restaurant.

"Hello, Mr. Sanders, would you like the usual?" The voice on the other side of the phone said.

A smile appeared on my face, knowing who it was.

"Yes, please," I said to the owner.

"I'll place another order as well, hold on for a few seconds," I said, walking towards Olivia and asking her what she would like to eat.

I showed her the menu quickly, and she managed to pick something that I thought she would like.

I let the owner know about the other order, and he told me that it would take thirty minutes to make and a twelve-minute drive to deliver the food.

"Would you like to watch something on t.v as we wait for our food?" I ask Olivia as I sit next to her on the couch.

"Yes, that sounds good." She said, turning the t.v on; the t.v was on the channel Lifetime Movie Network.

"Oh, wow. I've wanted to watch this movie, but I never get the chance to." Olivia said, catching my attention.

"What's the movie called?" I asked her.

"Andrews Home." She said in a soft voice.

I raised a brow to that as I stared at the opening intros to the movie.

"What's the movie about?" I asked, trying to figure what's about from the title but not coming up with anything.

 "It's about a little boy that got abducted by his very abusive father; he kidnapped the boy from the mother and abused him the boy for years, the little boy was found five years later by the mom, but he's no longer the same. The movie shows you the moments they go through and the power it took to keep them together. Well, that's what I got  from reading the reviews;  the reviews also call it a heartwarming film with some pain." Olivia said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, it seems like you want to watch it, so let's watch it," I said to her.

In the middle of the movie, I noticed that Olivia had some strained tears on her face.

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