Chapter 13 understanding myself

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CH: 13 Understanding myself

(Olivia POV)

"Well, well, well, look what we have here." I heard Tara's voice behind me.

I could tell from the tone of her voice and the fact that she was standing behind me. I know for a fact that it's because she saw the text messages between Jake and me.

 "What is it?" Kassie asked with a confused look on her face. She walked to where Tara was, who was still standing behind me.

Before Kassie got the chance to look at my phone screen, I clicked the shut screen button and lowered my phone.

"Aw, come on, Liv, you let Tara see," Kassie said in a teasing voice.

She was teasing me, and she knew I didn't mean for Tara to see my messages.

It's okay, Kassie. I can tell you what I saw, my dear sister." Tara said with a smirk on her face, causing me to turn my head to narrow my eyes at her.

"Oh, do tell sister, do tell," Kassie said, glancing from me to Tara.

So, of course, Tara told Kassie, and everyone else, what the text messages between Jake and I were about.

"Damn, Olivia. I didn't know you had it like that." Kirssie said, holding back a laugh.

I rolled my eyes at the fact that the rest of my sisters were snickering as well.

"Guys, calm down. He's just a friend, and I am just trying to thank him for what he did for me earlier and also for staying with me in the hospital when he didn't have to." I said, letting out a sigh.

"Oh, bull shit. Jake is not just a friend." My sister Anastasia said.

"Yes. He is Ana." I said, not wanting them to push it any further.

"Well, for now, I guess." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Everyone has to start as a friend somehow." My sister Serena said.

Now, that is the truth but peep the time, girls. We got to get this place ready, and also, since you're inviting him over, it'll be nice to have a thank you gift prepared for him as well, maybe something we can help you cook?" India said, clapping her hands in excitement. 

"Yes, let's have him so flatter that he just falls more head over heels for you," Stella said, letting out a laugh.

"Liv is finally going to get it tonight! I mean, when was the last time you got some action." Bella said, causing me to let out a stunned gasp.

"Bella, what the hell?" I said, which caused her to cover her giggle with her hand.

"What did I say?" Bella asked in a tone, which told me she was trying to hold back her laugh.

"Bella, leave Liv alone; you know she doesn't get down like that," Esmeralda whispered to Bella, but the fact that it was a loud whisper, making us all hear it.

"Ladies, leave her alone. Let's get to work," Serena said, shooing the girls away.

I wasn't even surprised when I was dragged into the kitchen, and I wasn't surprised by the fact that we ended up making more than one thing either. 

It was when we were finally done making what we made that I felt my arm being tugged.

By Tara, and she was pulling me into my bedroom.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask her, confused as to why she brought me into the bedroom.

She looked at me with a shocked expression, which confused me even more.

Olivia, do you honestly think that we're going to let you look like this? On your first date with this guy. Get in the shower, Now!" she said.

What? A date?

He saw me earlier today, and I'm still wearing the same clothes from earlier, so what's the problem.

It was as Tara could read my mind, she pointed towards the mirror.

"Have a look at yourself." She said, causing me to turn around and stare at myself.

I winced.

Woah, when did this happen?

I look like a mess.

"Okay, okay. I'll go shower and get ready." I said, not even fighting against the fact that I looked like a mess right now and at least should get dressed up.

I showered in the bathroom, and when I made my way out of the bathroom, I was surprised to see that Tara had grabbed a chair and was pointing for me to have a seat on it.

"Sit down and let me do your hair and make-up." She said.

"Tara, you don't have to do all of this. It's not a big deal," I said, even though I was walking towards the chair.

"Yeah, uh-huh. Sure, anyway, sit down." She said. I let out a sigh.

Pretty much giving up at this point. I let her do my hair and makeup.

"How do you like it?" She said, turning me around to face the mirror.

"Oh wow, you made me look pretty," I said, touching my hair and face.

"Liv baby, make-up doesn't make you look pretty. It enhances your beauty. You, my sister, are already beautiful. I just enhanced certain features more." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Thank you for doing my hair and makeup, sis. I appreciate it." I said, hugging her.

Tara hugged me back and rubbed my back.

"It's all good. That's what sisters are for. Now, the next thing we need to discuss is." She said, pulling away from me.

"Is what?" I asked her. She walked towards my closet and opened it.

"This purple dress would look good on you tonight. Here are some black heels to go with it. Now, get dressed in it. It's 7:50 P.M,  We'll be heading out now, and I'm pretty sure Jake will be here soon. If you need us, you know what to do." Tara said, smiling.

She kissed my cheek and left the bedroom.

I could hear all my sisters saying their goodbyes to me before they left my place.

I did what Tara asked me to do when I stared at my reflection in the mirror and decided that everything looked good. I exited my bedroom, but what I came into when I entered my dining room had me shocked.

In the short period of time that I was with Tara, the rest of my sisters decided to light up some candles around the house and prep the dining room as if this was a dinner date.

"I told them that we are just friends. Why did they do this?" I said, letting out a sigh.

A knock came from my door.

Oh my gosh, that has to be Jake. What is he going to think of all of this?

I took a few breaths and walked towards the front door to open it with a smile on my face, which immediately dropped when I came face to face with the person on the other side of the door.

A person who was not Jake.

********Kassandra Speaks***********

Hey, Dolls  :) I hope you guys are starting to like Olivia sisters even more, especially on the fact that they all get their own stories as well :)

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