Chapter 23 He's perfect

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Chapter 23

Olivia POV

I woke up to find arms wrapped around me, I smiled but my smiled vanished when I heard the monitor beeping. Ugh still in the hospital, I was scared of falling asleep because I didn't want to have another bad dream but I knew I manage to sleep because I did and it was all because of Jake. I smiled when I felt him pull me towards him more.

I felt different, a weird feeling came over me but I didn't hate it or anything, I actually liked it. I liked it a lot, I actually felt safe. Jake made me feel safe. I felt his lips on my shoulders and I knew he was up. "Good morning beautiful." I froze; his morning voice was so attractive. "Good morning, I'm surprised the nurses didn't try to separate us."

He laughed. "One of them actually tried to but I refused to let her and the head nurse; the one that got you settle in, she told the other nurse it was okay. I'm glad she did, because there was no way I was leaving my woman." I smiled at what he was saying, that made my morning much better. My body was killing me, I felt each pain kick in all at once and I refused to let it show. "You're so cute, why are you doing this?? You know what I have I might not live that long, and you could be with anyone right now. This cancer might leave behind scars; I already have some already... I don't want you to feel like I am bargain, you an attractive man that could be with anyone. Heck even a super model, I know I'm not beautiful, even though you keep making me feel like I am. I have scars and marks and The cancer might leave more." I said feeling my face getting heated. I was embarrassed to say that but it needed to be said. I felt him turn me around and I was officially facing him, for a man who just woken up. He looks really attractive, heck he looks handsome all the way.

"You're Beautiful, You look way better than any supermodel I've ever seen, I know you don't see it, but I do. It's okay to have Scars, Stretch marks, Love handles, Jiggly thighs, Moles and birthmarks. You're a beautiful human being that I suddenly came across and now that I found you. I am not going anywhere."

While he was saying each word, he was looking directly in my eyes. I felt my self-getting hotter. I couldn't understand why this man was so attractive to me. Like me? Out of all people.

He smiled at me and I noticed he had a right dimple. He rubbed his finger on my face and smiled. "I'll show you how much you make me feel, just wait on it." He suddenly kissed my forehead and I felt amazing, it was just a simple kiss on my forehead but I felt good.

A knock came on the door and I said come in, but Jake was still in the bed with me.

Dr. Nila came in, stared at Jake and me and fondled with the folder he had in his hands. "Well, good morning Young birds. Notice you young children, slept good last night. Well Olivia, since you're on your first stage. We will give you daily checkups in the hospital and give you the serums you need and starting next month you will be in the hospital for a while."

He kept saying more things and I just nodded when I knew there was something to nod about. I honestly wanted to block everything out; I didn't want to hear a damn thing. "Olivia, you will get through this, I'll help you fight. This cancer will lose and you'll win. Okay?" I looked up at Dr. Nilla faced, he seemed sad. I didn't understand why? I was a patient. Was every Doctor this way with their Patients? I smiled and nodded my head "Yes Sir." He finally let a smile out. "Okay, that's great. I'll go get the nurse and she will give you another set of serums, then Later on in the afternoon. You will be able to go home. Sounds Good?" He asked making his way towards the door.

"Sounds Great." I said, he smiled and left.

I let out a sigh I didn't even know I was holding.

"He's right. You know? You will get through this. Baby I'm here for you; if you want anything, if you want to talk about anything. Just talk to me or ask I and I'll move the whole world to get it for you and I'll work hard to stop what's bothering you."

I started laughing. Where did this guy come from? Tumblr?

"I didn't picture you as the sweet type when you hit me with your car." He stiffens but I felt him wrap his arm around me and pulled me closer.

"I can't believe I did that, I should have been paying more attention to the road. I COULD HAVE..."

I stopped him from talking by kissing his cheeks.

"It wasn't your fault I knew what I was doing, I walked on the street knowing what could have happened."

I felt him go stiff again and I knew he would asked, I knew that question would come out. "Live, baby why did you try to? You know. Do that?"

I pulled my self away from him and sat up. My body ached but I didn't care anymore. I felt him staring at me and I refused to look at him, I wasn't mad at him, I was mad at myself for being weak. While he was here, being strong. "There was nothing to live for anymore." I said and right after that, The nurse came with a smile on her face and a rack of breakfast and I let out a sigh of relief that I regretted I let it out as soon as I did when I took a glance at Jake's face, He looked hurt that I was relief the conversation ended. Seeing that look on his face hurt me more than the Cancer that was giving me pain this insist.

*Kassandra SPEAKS*

This Is just part one


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