CH. 56 Disgusted

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CH. 56 Disgusted

(Olivia POV)

You've ever looked at something or someone and felt so disgusted.

Like just the thought of them made you want to vomit or made you want to have them taken out, just made you sick to your stomach.

As if you couldn't believe how a human being could be such a way, how anger just suddenly fills you when you look at that human being.

That's how I was feeling, I was staring at such a disgusting sorry excuse for a human being.

A Pedophile, a child rapist, and molester.

His eyes widened when we came in.

"Who, who are you, people?" He asks in a fearful voice.

"What is that smell?" I asked, smelling something horrible.

It was a drench musky smell.

"He peed on himself Ma'am," One of Jakes men who was stationed in the room said.

I stared at the Pedophile disgusted.

"The fact that you peed on yourself out of fear when you bring fear on children yourself," I said, his eyes widen.

I walked up to the table, sitting in front of him.

His arms were handcuffed and so were his legs.

"Who's running" I asked him.

His eyes widened even more.

"What?" He asked.

I asked him the question again, this time with a serious angry voice.

"Who's running and don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about because I know you do," I said to him, looking at him disgusted.

"Please just let me go." He said I let out a laugh.

"Why? Why must I dress up? I don't want to wear these clothes. I don't care what the audience wants." I said.

"These clothes make me feel uncomfortable, why does the audience want to see me uncomfortable," I said, watching as the pedophile's eyes in front of me widened, his face looked loss of blood.

"As you can see, I'm not going to let you go," I said.

"Lilly?" He said in a shocked voice.

"Don't call me that." I snapped.

"Who is running, this is the last time I am asking you this question," I said.

"The person who knows is your mother pimp, I had gave my access away a long time ago. I'm going solo now." He said.

He's going solo now? He said it so casually, as if he was in a singing group and decided he was better off alone.

He said in that way but that's not what he meant.

He means that he's out looking for his own victims now.

"So you're still hurting children?" I asked him, he looked at me nervously.

Realizing he let something slip.

"What do you think should happen to you?" I asked him, leaning back on my chair.

"What? what do you mean?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"What do you think your punishment should be?" I said casually as if I was asking him what his favorite food was.

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