Ch. 31 This gets interesting

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Chapter 31 This gets interesting

(Olivia POV)

When Jake finished telling me his story I was left in shock.

It was known that we both had interesting details in our past.

I guess no one lives a normal life anymore it seems like no one ever has a normal life.

I knew there was some stuff that Jake still needed to tell me, somethings that were very deep and needed more of showing and telling. I knew it was taking a lot for him to open up to me right now and I was grateful. When he was ready to tell me the rest or even show me what he needs to show me, I will be here and I will be listening.

Jake story proves that they're many people out there that would go out their ways to hurt you.

How people were made into people that will do anything to hurt just for no reason goes beyond me.

I clearly didn't understand it either but we have those type of people in the world who would do something like that.

Horrible isn't it, I ran my fingers through Jakes hair giving him a smile.

"I'm going to be by your side no matter what. Every step of the way, we are partners." I told him.

He stared at me intensely, seeing that if I was telling the truth and I was, I'm willing to stay by Jakes side no matter what.

"You have no idea how much that means to me like you honestly have no idea. You saying those words just gave me more hope. You being by my side makes me feel that now I can do anything because I have my woman by my side." He said to me bringing the hand I had running through his hair to his lips, kissing it.

"You're truly a Goddess sent to me for guidance. I don't know what I have done to deserve you but I am extremely grateful." He places a kiss on my cheek.

I give out a giggle.

"Jake we're a team and always will be a team. No matter what." I said to him meaning each word I said.

Jake nodded his head and got up, walk towards a dresser and grabbed a file that was on it.

"I found your Brother Live, his name is Tucker and he is a Detective that is currently working on a case right now. Supposedly a woman who is now a fugitive killed his best friend some huge prosecutor. I have everything on this file that has to do with him, especially his phone number. You can even call him." He said to me also handing me a phone.

I didn't know I froze until I realize that I haven't made a movement, that I haven't even blinked an eye. I just let all the things he said to me settle in.

He found Tutu, he found my baby brother.

"What if.... what if... he wants nothing to do with me, what if he doesn't care?" I asked Jake, noticing that I was actually scared.

That I was actually scared to call him, that I was actually scared to even look in the file and find the number.

What would I find when I look in the file, obviously something I didn't like.

Of course I know that, I never knew what happened to my little brother. I never knew if he was okay or not but now that I know he's okay.

He's a detective, he has a career. My baby brother isn't even a baby anymore.

"Live, Call him. Do it for you, you can do this. You can call him, you can talk to him. Live you can do anything just do it." Jake place the phone on my lap.

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