John: Tequila

357 43 25

We down the shots, and Stephanie extends her empty glass for a refill.

"So, how are you feeling?" I ask, and she raises an eyebrow at me.

"Damn fantastic. Why do you ask?"

"Heard you and Cassie broke up."

"Yeah, whatever there was to break."


"Eh, it was doomed from the start."

"Why do you say that?"

"When I got involved with her, it felt like I was pushing my own limits. The experience taught me a lot, but I'm glad it's over."

"What did you learn?"

"It gave me confidence. She showed me I can handle a lot."

"Nice that you reached that point. Not many can handle her."

"I'm not that easy myself."

"I know." I smirk.

"What do you know?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I noticed you got a lot friendlier with me after your threesome."

"I might have gotten carried away."

"You think? I thought we were pretty composed."

"For you, maybe." She grins at me.

"You underestimate me. Not many girls get as close to me as you do."

"Yeah, right..."

"You don't believe me?"

"I don't know, sounds like a line to me."

"You think I'm trying to play games with you?" I ask as I pour us another round.

"I don't know your intentions yet."

"Is there always a hidden agenda?"

"Aren't you trying to get me drunk right now?" She asks, picking up her glass.

"You said you were thirsty." I smile at her.

"Maybe I meant water?" Stephanie smiles back at me. I turn to grab a glass of water from the fridge, and she laughs when I hand it to her. I love the way she laughs.

"I was kidding."

"I think that's your strategy."

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"I mean you're always joking or getting carried away."

"Maybe it's you who's getting carried away?" She raises an eyebrow, taking a sip of water.

"What's your plan, then?"

"Maybe there is no plan."

"So we're on the same page." I smile at her.

"Another shot?"

"Now you're trying to get me drunk," I smirk at her.

"I am. Remember, we're having a competition?"

"I was going to let you off the hook."

"No way," she pours tequila into my glass. "You're still too much of a smartass."

"I don't know if alcohol will help with that." I say and gulp it down.

"I'll find you a remedy." She smirks at me and downs her own shot.

"Oh, so you want to play doctor?" I say, and she laughs.

"Maybe later, when they rush you to the ER with alcohol poisoning."

"Looking forward to it." I smirk and pour us another.

"Me too." She bites her bottom lip, and we burst into laughter.

"So, are we going to start dancing soon?"

"I think dancing alone with you, in your house, in your underwear is a bit much for me..."

"Should I get dressed?"

"Yes, and let's go out."

"Where to?"

"Dancing. I'll call us a cab."

"I like a woman who takes action." I wink at her and head upstairs. I grab a white t-shirt and jeans from my room, along with some weed from my dad's stash.

"Come on, John." Stephanie calls out as I descend the stairs. "Another shot."

She extends the glass towards me with open arms and a smile that sparkles in her eyes. I walk up to her and kiss her.

Her lips part, kissing me back, and then she pulls away, moaning into my mouth in protest.

"Mm! No, you drink that!"

She steps back, shoves the glass into my hand, and slams down hers.

I smile and drink.

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