Part 26 - Cairns

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"Are you packed and ready? You haven't forgotten anything right?" Claire asks, looking more anxious than me. 

I laugh at her stressed facial expression. "I've got everything with me, Claire" I assure her.

"Good, good. Now off you go! Be careful, call me when you get there, don't go anywhere alone, listen to the boys, don't go party-"

"Alright, alright" I laugh, pulling her in for a hug. "I'm only gone for four nights, not four years"

"I know, but I'll miss you" she says.

"I'll miss you too, but I have to leave now, the boys are already here" I tell her, picking my suitcase up from the floor.

"Okay, love you, have fun!" she shouts after me as I walk down the gravel path towards the driveway where Michael's mother's car is standing - his mother offered to drive us all to the airport. 

"Love you too!" I shout and wave at her before greeting Ashton who is waiting for me by the back of the car to help me get my suitcase in. 

"Hi honey" he smiles, hugging me with one arm.

"Hello there" I smile as he kisses my temple. "Hi guys! Hi Mrs. Clifford!" I say a little louder while I hand Ashton my suitcase.

"Hi Alison!" they all answer back. 

"And please call me Karen" Mrs. Clifford - Karen - says, smiling at me through the rear view mirror. 

I just smile at her and walk with Ashton to sit down in the car. Michael is in the front with his mother, Calum is sitting behind Karen and Luke is in the middle. We talked about this yesterday, how we were all going to fit, and they talked me into sitting on Ashton's lap since they are all guys and "manly" they did not want to sit on each other's laps. 

So I sit on Ashton's lap with my back towards the door and my legs resting on Luke's lap. It's pretty early, around six thirty I think, so it shocks me how shocks me how alert all of the guys are. Michael is singing - loudly may I add - with the radio, Calum is jumping up and down in his seat and Luke is drumming with his hands on his legs. I turn my head to look at Ashton his my right eyebrow raised.

He laughs. "They all drank like three bottles of energy drink, each!"

"Oh my God" I giggle.

The journey to the airport goes by quickly and we've now all said goodbye to Karen and are on our way to check our bags in before moving on to the gate. When our suitcases are all checked in - after a few problems - we walk towards our gate.

"Hang on!" Calum shouts, making us all stop and look back at him.

Michael sighs. "What now Cal?"

"I need to pee" he says pointing at the WC sign. 

We all sigh, but let him run off as we all lean against the wall waiting for him. As I'm leaning with my back against the wall, Ashton stands in front of me, grabbing my hands. He just stands there, playing with my fingers as he listens to Luke and Michael's conversation about some new video game I think. I'm not really listening to them, I'm too busy admiring Ashton's face. 

Calum finally comes back and we continue our walk to the gate. When we reach a pair of escalators Michael and Calum think it's a good idea to try and run up the one that's going downwards. Me, Ashton and Luke let them try and take the right one. We all end up laughing our asses off. While us three are going up like normal people, those two idiots are just running like crazy trying to get up to the top. 

"Move your fat butt Clifford!" Calum yells and Michael stumbles, but continues. 

They both run past a few people and while me, Ashton and Luke are just standing waiting for them, thinking about going ahead of them to a café or something, they both arrive, out of breath and sweaty. We laugh at them and let them take a minute to rest before we all walk to our gate. 

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