Part 8 - Bonding

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"Hi Alison!" Ashton smiles brightly and hugs me tight when he arrives. 

"Hi Ashton" I say, smiling while hugging him back. 

Calum and Luke came about three minutes ago, and it took them five minutes to get here after Michael's call. So now, when they're all here, I guess I'll have to tell them more about me and try to get to know them better. It's not that I don't want to, who doesn't want a friend? But I'm scared, they are famous, why would they want to be with me? I'm just me, I'm no one. There's also a voice in my head telling me I'm going to get hurt, but I try my best to ignore it. It usually doesn't go away, but it kinda fades away when I'm talking to one of them. 

"Look at us! We're all gathered now!" Michael says enthusiastically, clapping his hands together with a big smile on his face. Me and Ashton ends up on the smaller couch while the others sit on the bigger one, but I don't complain, it's comfy, almost too comfy. 

"Should we play 20 questions but like, we just ask how many questions we want?" Calum asks and lean forward to place his elbows on his knees. 

"Sure, we'll ask Alison questions first and then she can ask us" Luke says and I get a little nervous. 

What are they even going to ask me? What if I make myself look like a fool? We're not the same kind, they're famous, they're important, I'm just me, I'm just no one. 

"Let's begin" Michael says in a dark, scary voice but he fails and the corners of his mouth lifts in a cute smile. The boys laugh at him while I just sit there, still nervous about what's going to happen. 

"What's your middle name?" Ashton asks from beside me, his eyes on me.

"Hope. Alison Hope Collin" I tell him, looking at him a little, making him smile wider.

"Birthday?" This time, Luke asks the question and once again, everyone is looking at me. 

"July 22" 

"Any siblings?" Ashton asks again and I shake my head no. 

"Favorite colour?" Michael asks, looking at me with hope in his eyes. The boys roll their eyes and I giggle a little. "What? It's important!" he defends himself, lifting his hands up.

"I like turquoise" I answer him. 

"You're accepted, we're now best buddies" he smiles and I just smile back, not knowing if it really was that big of a deal.

"What type of music do you like?" Calum asks and I bite my lip, trying to figure out how to explain my music taste.

"I think I can like any music really, maybe not like if the singer is just screaming like growl or really heavy rock but I like kinda rock ballads, a little punk. But I also adore calm music, like Ed Sheeran. For me, music is all about the lyrics, so as long as the lyrics has a meaning I can listen to almost anything" 

"That's deep" Luke says.

"You're awesome" Michael says almost at the same time and I smile.

"So why did you move to Australia?" Luke asks and I stiffen a little. 

"Personal reasons" I say quietly and they all nod, looking a little sad that I didn't answer that question. 

"Did you know Ms. Collin when you moved here?" Ashton asks and I shake my head no, but change my mind.

"It's complicated. We met at my grandmother's funeral when I was seven, but I don't remember her. That was the only time, except from that, we never met before I moved here"

"Why did she even move here? I've never heard about it" Calum wonders with a frown on his face. 

"Her mother separated her and her sister, that's all I've heard, and that her mother passed away when she was seventeen" Ashton says and I just sit there, not really knowing what to say.

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