Part 14 - Feelings

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"I call window seat!" I shout, right out of nowhere when we're in the line to get onto the plane. 

"I call sitting next to Alison!" Ashton shouts right after me. 

"Well I want to sit next to Michael you bitches, he's mine" Luke jokes, throwing an arm over Michael's shoulders. "Right mate?"

"Yeah, that's right! We're a cooler couple than you!" Michael sasses making an S with his finger after he has shown his passport to the woman working here.

"Guess what? I'm actually going to sit next to myself, ain't that right Calum?" Calum says, and I pout because he got all left out of the group. 

"Aww honey, sit next to Ashton, I think there will be three seats next to each other" I say and show her my passport, giving her a smile. 

"Enjoy your flight" she says, looking quite tired and annoyed. 

"Thank you" 

We all walk through the little tube/tunnel thingy you walk through to get to the plane. Ashton is holding my hand, swinging both his and mine back and forth as they are intertwined. I just smile at how cute he is in his hoodie, the hood up over his head, baggy sweatpants hanging around his hips and legs. In front of us, the other three idiots were racing each other through the tunnel, since there were no other passengers in front of us.

"Are you excited to get back home?" Ashton asks, looking at me.

"Both yes and no, yes because it will be nice to sleep in my own bed but no because it's just so nice to be out and see so many things" I answer, smiling at him. "What about you? Do you miss your family?" I ask.

"Of course I miss them, I mean they're so supportive of this band and I can't thank them enough for what they've done you know" he smiles, looking genuinely happy and proud.

"Hurry up love birds!" we hear Michael shout and his voice echoes between the walls.

"Coming asshole!" Ashton shouts back and someone clears his throat behind us. We both look back to see who, and there walks an old couple, both of them looking shocked. "Sorry" Ashton says as he begins to jog, pulling me with him. 

I giggle as we show the flight attendant our boarding passes and continue to walk towards our seats. When we find them, Calum is waiting for us to get in so he can sit down since he's going to sit on the end. So I jump in to my seat, Ashton coming in after me and Calum at last. After securing my seatbelt around me, tightening it up a little, I lean on Ashton's shoulder and push my hand luggage under the seat in front of me.

"You tired honey?" Ashton asks putting an arm around me as I snuggle up to him. 

"A little maybe" I admit, making him laugh softly.

"Sleep then, I'll wake you up for landing"

As his hand is moving up and down my arm, his warm skin making contact with my cold, there's this tickling feeling in my stomach, making me smile. It's like everytime he's near me, I'm happy and I don't even think about all of my low times when I hurt myself or feel trapped in darkness, everything is so much better when he's around.

But I'm scared.

I'm scared that he'll suddenly leave me, realize that there are better girls than me, and then leave me just like that. But then again, he has every right to get another girl, we're not even together, not even dating. I mean, we're acting like a couple but we're just really really good friends, best friends, like siblings. And I am fine with that, I guess. Even though I'm fine with it, I can't ignore the sad feeling I get whenever I admit that we are like siblings. 

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