Part 6 - Confusion

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My eyes widen at the thought of hanging out, listening to a famous band, a band that I found a couple of days ago. And I don't understand at all why they - four famous guys, known across the world - would want to hang out, or even talk to me. I'm nothing, nothing compared to them, nothing compared to anyone, I'm just nothing. 

"So what do you think?" Calum asks when the song ends and I just stand up.

"I gotta go" I say quickly before rushing out from the garage, towards my house.

"Wait! Alison!" Michael shouts behind me, but I keep walking in a quick pace to get inside, but Michael is quicker. When I'm in the middle of the road that separates Michael's house from mine, he grabs my arm, making me stop. "Are we that bad?" he asks jokingly, but I can see he's worried about what happened in there. "What happened to your hand?" I can see him looking at my knuckles.

"Please" I beg and jerk my arm away from his grip. "Just leave me alone"

"But why? I don't understand" he says frowning, looking like a lost, cute little puppy. I don't understand either, why do you care so much about me? I'm nothing!

"Me neither" I say without thinking before walking straight into my house, back into the silence. 

When the door shuts behind me, it's like I'm in a different world and I find myself hating the fact that I went inside instead of just taking a walk. I curse at myself for being so stupid and walk into my room. 

-----Ashton's POV-----

As Alison storms out from the garage, I notice her hand covered with bruises and a little stained blood on her knuckles. It worries me, because I don't know her and I don't have the right to know how she's feeling, for real, inside. She can tell everyone she's fine but I don't believe her. There's something wrong and I need to find out what it is. In order to find that out, I have to get to know her, earn her trust. 

Michael runs out after her and me and the others just look at each other. No one knows what to say. What can you say, really? 

"When are we going on that Australian tour again?" Luke asks, trying to change the subject.

"In two weeks, I think" Calum answers.

After the tour with One Direction, we've been doing small tours in America, Europe and Australia. We actually quite recently came back from America and now it's Australia's turn. We're really excited because this is our home. 

I wonder if Alison knows that we're famous, Ms. Collin probably told her that, she should have. But what if she didn't? What if she has no idea and then she sees herself in a magazine with us? She'll freak out. We gotta tell her, or at least ask her if she knows. 

Michael walks back inside with a confused look on his face. 

"What happened? What did she say?" I ask him but he doesn't even look at me. He just sits down on a chair and leans his elbows on his knees. 

"Nothing. She said nothing" 

"What do you mean? She must have said something" Calum points out. 

"Her hand was full of bruises, did you notice?" he looks up at all of us and I nod.

"I saw, did she say anything about it?"

"No, that's the problem. There's something about her, something's wrong" The way Michael says it, it's like he is truly concerned about her. Somehow, it bothers me that he cares so much about her. 

"What do you mean?" I ask, even though I know what he's talking about. I've noticed it too, in small pieces. There's moments were she's just acting... weird, different. Like she is pushing everyone away and that scares me because it makes me feel like it's impossible for me to get close to her. 

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