Part 13 - Last Gig

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-----Ashon't POV-----

"Guys, we need to leave for our gig" Calum says after ending a phone call while we're all on the couch. 

"No" I protest. "I'm not leaving Alison here"

"So you're going to cancel a gig for a lot of fans instead?" he asks.

"Stop trying to make me feel bad" I tell him sternly. 

"I'm not"

"Guys" Michael interrupts us. "We're going to be gone for three hours, max four, I think she'll be alright. No one can get in here, we can give her some advil and she will call us if she feels worse"

So after about a quarter, we have informed Alison about everything and we leave for the theater were we will be playing tonight. I'm still worried about Alison, but I suppose I'll get in a better mood when I see all of our incredible fans. 

-----Alison's POV-----

After the boys have left, I can't sleep. I'm worried about the man texting me. I know he is in this hotel, he knows which room I am in, or at least my room, but I guess he has figured out which room belongs to the boys. But besides that, I guess I'm okay. I mean, my head is hurting as hell and some parts of my body aches a little but I'm fine. Even if I feel like I'm fine, I can't help but wonder if I'm lying to myself. Because I was almost raped last night, how can I be fine then?

After a while, I stand up and slowly walk over to the living area. I sit down and turn the tv on. There's some boring news on, which I can't bother changing so I just sit there, wrapping a blanket around me, trying to not think too much. I don't know where my phone is, but I don't really care. After all, I think it would be better for me not to see a text from that anonymous man than me seeing it, getting more scared than I already am.

But then again, what if he writes that he'll come for me and I don't see it? I won't have any time to run away, he'll just come and get me. 

There's a battle going on in my mind, wether I should get my phone or not, and since I have a really bad head ache, I get exhausted and feel slightly dizzy. When I stand up to get some water, black dots cover my sight and I feel my legs give in, and just like that, I fall to the floor.

I don't know for how long I was blacked out, but when I wake up, I'm in the same position as when I fainted. My body is way too tired to get up, so I just lay there, looking up in the ceiling. My whole body is aching, my head is pounding and my sight is blurry. For a second, I close my eyes, wishing for the pain to go away. Does it help?


-----Ashton's POV-----

"Guys she isn't answering her phone" I tell them, after trying to call Alison for the sixth time. We have been gone for two hours and she hasn't called or anything.

"She's probably asleep" Calum says, getting ready to go on stage. 

I just sigh, calling her one more time before putting my phone on a table backstage. Then we all run onto the stage, making the fans scream which makes me smile. 


The gig takes about one and a half hour and now, we're in the van on our way back to the hotel. If I were going to tell you how worried I am for Alison on a scale between zero and ten, it would be a nine. Since she's not answering her phone, anything could have happened. But then again, maybe she's just sleeping which is a good thing. 

When we reach the hotel, we all walk into the lobby, smile at the receptionist and begin to move towards the lifts. All of us are talking a little bit about the gig, how it went and what went wrong that we can do better. Once we're on the right floor, we walk out and see a man walking towards us in the hallway. I recognize him as the man who asked if I had seen his keys. 

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