Part 2 - Ms.Collin

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When I wake up, Monday morning, I feel exhausted. I'm usually very tired, because I have a slight problem with sleeping and also falling asleep. Nightmares kept waking me up and afterwards, I can't find myself to fall asleep again. And you know, when you can't sleep at night, you get stressed out and then it's impossible to fall asleep. 

I get up, look at the clock and the calendar. 7:13AM Monday the 13th of March. Well, let's hope it's a good day. As I look myself in the mirror, I grimace. My hair is a mess, my face is pale and I have slightly dark circles underneath my eyes  which makes me look just like I feel. With a deep sigh I begin to fix the mess. Brushing my hair, putting on a small amount of makeup and getting dressed into a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt with some random print. 

As I sit on my bed, pulling my ankle socks onto my feet, I notice that my phone is lit up. A new message is shown. My whole body goes numb and I decide not to check it because that would make me more upset and I do not need that. So I put my ankle, white Converse and walk out of my room with my phone in my right back pocket. 

The blue sky is today hidden behind some awful, grey clouds with rain falling from them. There's no sun shining and everything is just gloomily. It's one of those days where you just want to lay in bed, drink some hot chocolate, cuddling with yourself under the warm covers and watch romantic movies. But, then there's school so that option is just out of the picture. 

People are walking on the sidewalks beside the apartment complex with umberellas and cars are driving past making water from the ground splatter. I can see a lady, rather old, walking by in a expensive looking coat with fur on the hood. Automatically, thoughts are flying in my mind, questions about who this woman is, what her background is, is she married etc. 


When I walk into the school with my headset in my ears, I Miss You by Blink 182 playing, it feels like I have one of these Harry Potter invisible capes over me. No body notice me walking in, but when I'm standing by my locker, some idiot thinks it's a great idea to push me on my back. My body is pushed into the locker and I groan at the pain.

"Watch where you're going!" a guy yells at me while his friends laugh loudly. 

Where are you and I'm so sorry.

I can not sleep I can not dream tonight 

I need somebody and always

I slowly grab my stuff for the biology class and close the locker. After looking around for someone who might go on and do something against me, I walk with no confidence as close to the wall as I can. My arms are crossed over my stomach, hugging the biology folder as well as myself and my head is hung down with my eyes stuck to the floor in front of me. Pupils run past me to get to their classes, some bumping their shoulders into mine, some just ignoring me but I don't really care. 

Don't waste your time on me you're already 

The voice inside my head (I miss you, I miss you)

Don't waste your time on me you're already

The voice inside my head (I miss you, I miss you)

There are already a few people in the classroom when I get there, but the teacher is nowhere in sight so I'm alright. When I sit down on my bench by the window, some girls in the other corner begins to giggle and by reflex I look at them. All of their eyes are one me and one of them is laughing with her hand over her mouth. It stings inside of me, it's like someone is poking my heart with a needle, but I'm kinda used to it I guess. 

Two girls suddenly walk into the classroom and I can't help but listen to their conversation. "Have you heard that band from Australia that I talked about?" the brown haired one says as they sit down in the front.

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