Forbidden love

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A/n: Hello people. It's been a minute 😂 I hope you enjoy this imagine, I definitely enjoyed writing it.

Your P.O.V
Lauren giggled as she tugged me through the crowd, her hand firmly clasped in mine. "I'm telling you, there are flowers that only bloom in the nighttime!" she exclaimed, "Lo, that doesn't even make sense!" I furrowed my eyebrows in amusement "Yes it does!" She exclaimed once again "I'm the florist, I should know!" I retorted, chuckling "But I read about them! They exist!" Lauren whined, "Let me guess... in one of your fiction books?" I asked, "Yes, but trust me, they're real!" I sighed as Lauren led me further down the road to my favourite coffee spot. 

I was lucky I could hold hands with Lauren in public, without so much as someone raising an eyebrow. Good friends, the people who passed by would assume, just good friends. I had met Lauren around eight months ago, once I started working at the local opera house. My job was easy, decorate the venue with wonderful flower arrangements and bouquets. Being a trained florist, was a dream job for me. I know what you're probably thinking, why a florist? I could be anything, a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, I could be anything yet I chose to be a florist.

I got to amplify the beauty of the theatre with my talent and creativity and do what I loved for a living. But almost after two days of working there, I met the prize of the opera house. Lauren Jauregui, an incredibly beautiful performer, with a set of incredibly hypnotising green eyes and a voice that would make songbirds stop mid-flight to take notes. Lauren had the most beautiful voice I had ever heard. It was so powerful, Lauren could control a sea of people with practically nothing but her voice...and her eyes...and her beauty. Lauren was beautiful.

I had never believed in love at first sight. Lauren made me second guess. She was absolutely enticing. She would catch me when I stared at her during her practice sessions and giggled as I turned away desperately, accidentally knocking over a vase as I did. She was the one who approached me with the utmost of confidence, asking me out to dinner after one of the performances. She had barely finished asking before I nervously blurted out, "of course." Shortly after, we had started seeing each other.

It was a dangerous task, really. In these days, any relationship that was not strictly man and woman could get you locked up forever, either in a jail or a mental asylum. You see in these times, being in love with who your heart chooses is wrong if it chooses to love the same gender. This was something that I strongly disagreed with, but I always kept quiet. Our love was forbidden.

We had to be discreet about it and told no one. I knew I couldn't get away with anything more than a quick kiss to the cheek or holding hands in a crowded area. Anything more, and our cover would have been completely blown. In order to avoid any trace of suspicion the both of us were only to meet each other a few days a week, and spoke to each other as friends in public, and introduced each other as "my co-worker" when talking to loved ones or friends.

My least favourite part, however, was continuing to go on dates with men. The men were all the same: charming, intelligent, with a bit of arrogance to them. They were good men, but they weren't Lauren. It all started out simply. Going to some social event or restaurant, laughing with each other and holding hands, then she returned me to my house, kissing me delicately on the cheek, then turning to go home.

As time progressed, I would often stay out later on each date, trying to drag out the time so that it would be dark out by the time she walked me home. When we both arrived, she could passionately kiss me on the lips. The dark hid any public eye from our 'forbidden' relationship.

I began to love the night. A month into our relationship, Lauren decided that we should both go to a bar one night. Neither of us drinkers, but as a one-month anniversary party, Lauren insisted we both let loose and have some fun. Shot after shot after shot, we drank until my eyelids grew heavy and every worry about punishment for being in a same-gender relationship shed off of me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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