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A/n: this chapter may be triggering to some, I'm sorry if it offends anyone.

"God does not approve this.. this nonsense!" my dad yelled as his grip tightened on my arm. "Dad please j-" I was cut off by my fathers hand sharply colliding with my left cheek, causing me to trip over my own leg. "Y/Dn..." my mum said trying to calm him down. "Y/Mn, back off. I'm serious." He stepped into my room and grabbed Lauren by her shirt, roughly pulling her out of the room. "Y/n!" she yelled. "I'm sorry Lauren..." I sobbed as tears rolled down my face.

My dad took her downstairs as I followed them. "Y/n, don't make it any worse," my mum said looking at me "Mum, I can't let him do this, he's gonna hurt her." My mother sighed and nodded. I quickly stumbled down the stairs "Lauren I'm-" I spoke but then immediately stopped as I saw my dad keeping a firm grip on her arm as Lauren tried to get away. "Dad! You're hurting her!" He looked at me and clenched his jaw "Y/n, haven't you sinned enough!?" I walked up to him and tried to loosen his grip on Lauren's arm.

"I'm sorry..." I said as I gave her phone and her backpack "I love you" she whispered with tears in her eyes, before grabbing her things and then running out. I looked at my dad with tears in my eyes "thanks" I said shaking my head at him before running back upstairs. I heard my dad following me but he stopped after a few steps and went back down.

"Mum, I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you" I explained to my mother as she slowly walked into mom. "It's okay honey. You're my daughter, I support you no matter what." she said pulling me into a hug. "You're the best. What about dad?" I asked sadly hugged my mum back. "Your father needs some time. I'll try and talk to him." she said.

"Thank you." I gave her another hug before she got up and left. I crawled into my bed and laid on the side Lauren was laying on just ten minutes ago. My dad had walked in on Lauren and I making out. I'm sure that's not the best way a father would like to know that his daughter likes girls. But that still gave him no right to treat Lauren the way he did.

I sighed and reached for my phone on the nightstand. "I hope this all didn't scare you off. I'd understand if it did though. I'm sorry. Call me when you get the chance?" I texted Lauren before setting my phone down beside me. I waited for a call or even a text, but nothing came. That was understandable after everything that just happened.

I woke up to small taps on my window. I got out of bed and looked out the window, only to find Lauren standing there, throwing sticks "What are you doing?"I asked, opening my window. "I wanted to see you!" Lauren said causing me to smile. "I thought I scared you off," I said. "Not a chance. Now come down or I'll start yelling." Lauren called me down "Not if you want my dad to come out there," I said. "Wanna bet?" She took a deep breath and opened her mouth. "Okay okay!" I said chuckling. "One minute." I quickly threw a hoody on top of my tank top and quietly opened my bedroom door. My parents were both asleep. I tiptoed down the stairs and headed outside.

"Hey gorgeous," she said causing me to smile. "Hi." I smiled sadly making Lauren peck me on the lips. "Today kinda sucked, huh?" she asked as we walked towards the park. "Yeah. I'm really sorry..." I tried to apologise but I was stopped by Lauren giving me a stern look. "Stop saying sorry." "I'm sorry," I said. "Stop it." She warned "I'm-" Lauren covered my mouth before I could say anything "Your dad is just an asshole. I'm not gonna stop seeing you, no matter how much he hurts me or threatens me" she said. "You're not?" I asked looking into her eyes. "I'm totally falling for you, and I'm not planning on stopping that anytime soon." Lauren said gazing back into my ages and then placing a gentle kiss on my lips. I smiled and intertwined our fingers. "We won't be able to hang at my place for a while though." I said as we swayed our intertwined hands. "I know that. We're lucky my parents our never home." Lauren said causing me to chuckle. "Lucky us."

We walked around the park for a little while, just enjoying each others company. "I should get you back," Lauren said. "I don't wanna go back yet," I said pouting. "Your dad is gonna kill me if he finds out you're with me." Lauren d msg me shake my head sadly "hey, y/nn, it's fine." Lauren said before kissing me again.

We walked back to my house, both our hands intertwined. I unlocked the front door and pecked Lauren on the lips "When will I see you again?" I asked. "Whenever you want" she replied smiling. "Tomorrow then?" I asked smiling "Sounds great." Lauren smiled back.

I looked at her for a few more seconds and then opened the front door, ready to step inside. I saw my dad sitting on the sofa staring right at me. "Dad, I'm-" just as I was about to apologise my dad interrupted me "come, sit down." My dad instructed, patting the empty space next to him. I nervously went and sat next to my dad. "Y/n," he started, facing me "the way I reacted wasn't right, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you or...Lauren. Your mother talked some sense into me. I'm ok with you and Lauren. It'll take me some time to get used to it...but, you're my daughter. I can't be mad at you for who your heart chooses to love." My dad apologised holding my hand "I'm sorry, Y/n." My dad said sadly "it's ok dad, it's fine." I said leaning in to give him a hug "I'm so sorry." My dad apologised again, placing a kiss on my head.

A/n: Hello everyone. I hope you enjoyed that chapter. Tell me what you think of it. Again I'm sorry if it triggered or upset anyone. Thank you for reading.

My question: what genre of music do you listen to?

My answer: mostly indie and pop

Ok byeee - A.A 🌹✨

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