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Narrators P.O.V
"Oooh, girl this my song, shoulder sideways smack it smack it..." Dinah sang energetically while twerking with Normani "Ayyy! Lauren get over here and move that ass with me and Dinah!" Normani exclaimed before laughing at Camila's attempt at twerking.

Lauren was sitting on the bus lounge with her eyes tightly closed. She groaned softly in response. "Hey, Lo," Ally gently said, "Are you feeling ok?" As she felt Lauren's forehead. "Mmm-mmm..." Lauren groaned, shaking her head softly. "Are you gonna be sick?" "Mmm-hmm..." Lauren nodded softly before slowly opening her red teary eyes. "Y/nn! go get a bucket!" Ally yelled, "Oh shit, I don't do vomit!" Normani grimaced before retreating to her bunk.

Just then Lauren gagged violently, leaning forward. She covered her mouth desperately."Y/n! hurry up!" Ally panicked. Y/n made it just in time moving Lauren's hair and placing the bucket beneath her. Lauren spluttered and gagged for a while emptying her stomach "Did you eat anything weird today or for dinner last night babe?" Y/n questioned worriedly "I don't know, maybe the sushi was spoiled or something..." Lauren whimpered before leaning over the bucket once more "It's ok baby, we'll clean you up when you're done." Y/n reassured her girlfriend.

Just then Lauren burst into tears. She hated feeling like a burden to those around her, she also hated feeling sick...but who didn't?. There was nothing more she hated than being taken care of or catered to "Hey, hey Lolo why're you crying!" Ally asked moving Lauren's hands from her face. "I can't stand being coddled and shit. And my stomach just hurts so bad right now I can't even sit upright." Lauren whimpered and spluttered.

"Hey calm down baby, you're gonna make yourself throw-" Y/n paused as Lauren grabbed the bucket once more and hurled violently again. She rubbed her back soothingly.

"Do you think you can handle some soup or tea?" Ally asked Y/n "Yeah. Ally's soup always makes me feel better Lo." Y/n added. Lauren just nodded weakly wiping her wet eyes on her sleeve. "Here drink some water" Y/n tipped the bottle into Lauren's mouth gently. "Camila get some tissue please." Y/n politely commanded Camila who was watching what was going on from the side. "Kay" Camila said worriedly before running off to get the tissue.

"Mmmh." Lauren groaned, closing her tired eyes "Here lay on me so I can rub your tummy for you." Y/n said softly. She repositioned herself behind Lauren and let her scoot back to lay on her chest. She then lifted Lauren's shirt to rub circles on her girlfriend's stomach. Lauren hummed in appreciation "Does it feel ok?" Y/n asked softly moving the sweaty hair out of Lauren's face. Lauren managed a weak "Yes." Before closing her eyes.

"Wow, you're burning up baby!" Y/n exclaimed feeling Lauren's head and neck worriedly "Dinah can you go get me a wet cloth with some cold water?" Y/n requested as she grabbed the tissue that Camila handed her. Dinah nodded and retrieved the items. Dinah handed them to Y/n and rubbed Lauren's arm sympathetically "I know you don't like to complain, but you could've told us you didn't feel good Ralph."Dinah murmured quietly "She's burning up DJ! Do you think she needs to see a doctor?" Y/n asked.

Lauren protested weakly frowning at Y/n half-heartedly "Only if she doesn't get better by tomorrow morning." Dinah responded Lauren sighed in relief at this statement. Dinah and Camila both retrieved back to their bunks opting on leaving the two girls alone, knowing that Lauren would only feel guiltier if they stayed.

"Your tea is ready Lauren but the soup is still cooking." Ally said handing Y/n the mug to hold for Lauren. "Here baby, just take small sips ok." Y/n muttered lovingly letting Lauren sit up against her. The tea soothed Lauren's scratchy throat and calmed her stomach slightly. Some colour returned to her pale face once she'd finished "Does it taste good?" Ally asked as Y/n stroked Lauren's cheek softly "Yeah thanks, Ally." Lauren rasped and smiled weakly.

"Ok, she's talking again." Normani said finally coming from her bunk again "Mani hand Y/n this soup." Ally said handing the bowl to Normani. "It's just a light broth so your stomach won't get irritated." Ally explained, "Turn around so I can help you eat some Lolo." Y/n spoke softly. Lauren faced Y/n and allowed her to feed her. She even giggled when Y/n made train noises and fed her like a baby. Y/n even clapped when the bowl was empty.

"You wanna sleep now, princess?" Y/n asked. Lauren laid against Y/n and fell into a deep slumber as Y/n carried on rubbing her stomach underneath her shirt. Y/n allowed herself some time to relax and also fell into a deep slumber tired from the long day she'd had.

A few hours later they'd reached some rough and rocky roads. Lauren was jolted awake by her stomach lurching dangerously. The bus was bouncing up and down like a plane in turbulence. "Oh shit!" She groaned "Y/nn! Wake up l think I'm gonna be sick!" Lauren spluttered. Y/n quickly sat up and found the bucket quickly moving Lauren's hair into a messy bun.

Lauren dry heaved before finally releasing all of the soup she'd consumed hours before. Y/n rubbed her stomach and back softly. She continued throwing up for a few minutes until her stomach finally calmed. Ally's voice chimed in from the other side of the bus. "is she okay Y/nn?" Ally asked yawning. "Yeah, can you tell the driver to drive slower and try to avoid the bumps though?" Y/n asked worrying that her girlfriend would feel worse if the driver didn't drive carefully. "Yeah l'll do that now." Ally responded, "You're gonna be ok Lolo, I know you hate being sick like this." Y/n spoke to Lauren softly.

Lauren sniffled and wiped her eyes before managing a weak nod. "It's ok to need help baby, don't cry ok." Y/n kissed Lauren's head and nose softly. "We might need to see a doctor though ok?" Lauren softly sobbed at the mention of a hospital. She'd hated them since she was little. "Shhh, they won't hurt you, Lo. It's ok baby. I'll be there with you." Y/n comforted her. "We'll go see what's wrong first thing this morning when we have time ok. You haven't gotten much better and you're burning up even more now." Y/n observed silently worrying at how hot Lauren's head felt. "Just go back to sleep for now okay." Y/n kissed Lauren's forehead.

A/n: Hello! I hope you liked this fluffy chapter. Tell me what you think about it. Thanks for reading.

Question: when was the last time you were sick?

My answer: The last time I was sick was like last month, but thank God I didn't throw up, I hate throwing up.

Ok byeee - A. A 🌹✨

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