Flowers on your doorstep (Flowers for Ralph) (part 2)

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(A/n: this imagine is now a book called "Flowers for Ralph, so go and check it out)

Lauren's P.O.V
"Umm Ralph?!" I heard Ally call, which was weird because she never called me Ralph only Dinah did. So I got up from the bed where I was snuggled up with Dinah to go to Ally who was standing by the door.

"What's up, Allycat?" I asked placing a hand on her shoulder. "Um...I think these came for you. They were left on the doorstep." She said handing me a beautiful bouquet of tiny blue flowers. No one had ever brought me flowers before let alone, left them on my doorstep as a surprise.

"Someone brought Lo flowers?!" Dinah looked over, surprised.

"Hey! Don't sound so shocked. People are allowed to buy me flowers." I retorted.

"Look Lo, there's a note." Ally pointed to a little pink envelope, tucked gently against the flowers. I walked back over to the bed and took a seat next to Dinah eyeing the package sceptically, half expecting something to blow up in my face.

"Well open it then. Jesus." Dinah rolled her eyes. "Dinah! You watch your mouth!" Ally scolded Dinah who then proceeded to throw a pillow at Ally hitting her right in the head and sending her hair up in a mess from the bush of wind created by the force.

"Alright give it here." Dinah snatched it and began tearing the envelope open. "Gently Dinah! Don't rip it!" I warned her and she listened slowing down her pace and taking more care with it as she pulled out a small piece of card.

"Dear Ralph?" Dinah started looking at me questioningly, yet accusingly at the same time, but she continued on as I shrugged. "I am sorry you are sad. Boys are jerks, and they stink." We all laughed at that but after we finished we let out a long 'awww' at the first part, who knew I was sad? It couldn't have been that jerk Brad I had planned to go out with, seeing as he ditched me for another girl. There was such a blunt innocence to the words written on the card, it all felt very third grade to be honest, but it was so cute.

"Sadness is not nice, but sadness inflicted by others is even worse. I hope this makes you smile and you did know that the prettiest things are often the ones mended after being broken for so long."

"Oh My God Lauren, that's so sweet." Ally said putting her hands to her mouth as she stared adoringly at the letter.

"What happened to don't take the lords name in vein?" Dinah quirks and eyebrow, smiling smugly.

"Shut up, Dinah Jane, just read the note." Ally rolled her eyes this time. These two were always bickering and lucky me got to share a room with them.

"Fine," Dinah scoffed, "but only because I wanna know who wrote it. The rest says 'Even though I don't know you I know you have a pretty heart, I can tell. P.S  Tell your tall friend I am sorry, I did not mean to be rude.
I was just worried. 727."

"Huh?" I looked down at the card confused and emotional.
"What?" Dinah added.

"That makes no sense." Ally agreed with us. We all stared at the not for a few minutes trying to decipher it, whilst I also tried to hold back my tears at the kind words. I don't think anyone in my life has ever written me something so pure and sweet.

"Wait?!!" Dinah shouted, sitting up and bouncing on the bed excitedly. "I know! I know! I know! I know!!"

We both looked at Dinah expectantly.

"There was a girl outside earlier. I yelled at her!" Dinah said happily.

"Dinah! Why would you yell at someone?" Ally said in a serious tone, like a mother scolding a child.

Lauren Jauregui imaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora