The strange girl

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A/n: this whole story is in Lauren's p.o.v. Just a warning it's stupid. I had written this ages ago, like 3 years ago. I found it on my usb and I decided to change the names and upload it. I hope you like it. Oh and btw I think Lauren looks absolutely beautiful without make up! 😍

"Wow, the holidays flew past so quickly!" Dinah said to me as we walked through the doors of Newton High School. "How was your holiday?" I asked Dinah as we walked to our lockers "y'know just the same old, babysitting" Dinah grumbled "I feel sorry for your siblings" I chuckled "excuse you, I am the greatest babysitter in the history of babysitters" Dinah exaggerated "you wish" I laughed as we reached our lockers. We were getting our books from our lockers and the school bell rang so we made our way to class.

Dinah and I both took a seat next to each other and the teacher walked in. "Everyone take your seats and quiet down" Mr smith commanded. "Everyone I would like to introduce a new student. She will be joining us this year so please be welcoming. Would you like to introduce yourself?" Mr Smith said " name's Y/n" the new girl said nervously. "Y/n I would like you to take a seat next to Lauren" Mr Smith said while pointing at the empty chair next to me.

The new girl sat next to me and she seemed quite strange. She had dark hair, wore black clothes, and a black beanie...but that wasn't the strange thing about her, the strange thing about her was that she seemed very angry. "Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed" I thought to myself. "Hi, I'm Lauren" I introduced myself, she replied be saying "hi" and turning her head away from me.

Class started and we all got our books out. Y/n turned around and snuck something out of her pocket and put it into her backpack, I couldn't clearly see what it was but it seemed very suspicious. Maybe it's drugs!.

The bell rang and I made my way to the cafeteria with Dinah. We took a seat on the table right in the corner of the room, the table we sit on all the time. As we were talking about our holidays Dinah noticed the new girl sitting on her own "Yo Lauser, lets go sit with the new girl, she's sitting on her own" Dinah said to me as she got up.

"Hey Y/n" I said as I sat opposite him. "This is my friend Dinah" I introduced "Hi" y/n said quickly glancing at Dinah. "So Y/n...where are you from?" Dinah asked, trying to start a conversation "I'm from here" Y/n replied "that's cool" Dinah said unsure if she was being sarcastic.

As Dinah and I were desperately trying to make conversation with y/n we saw Normani walked towards the table. Normani is the schools popular girl/bully, she picks on anyone and everyone. (A/n: I'm sorry for making Normani the 'bully') Normani is also a senior. She's dark skinned, has jet black hair and a muscular body. "So you're the new kid here?" Normani questioned Y/n "go away Normani!" Dinah exclaimed "Shut up Dinah, clearly nothing changed in the summer, cuz you're still ugly!" Normani said to Dinah. Dinah got really upset so I tried to console her, you see Dinah's not very confident when it comes to her looks, even though I tell her all the time she looks like a goddess.

Normani grabbed Y/n's backpack and threw it across the cafeteria. I was about to say something to Normani but Y/n got up, turned around and punched Normani right in the nose, and the whole cafeteria went silent. Y/n grabbed her bag and stormed off, but Dinah felt a lot better "she deserved that!" she said angrily.

We didn't see Y/n after that, but we just thought she probably got sent home.

The next day we saw Y/n and Normani talking to each other, and I found that really strange. Dinah walked up to me and asked me "how come Y/n and Normani are talking to each other?" "they're probably apologizing each other" I replied to her.

The bell rang and we made our way to class "hey...Lo...Don't you think Y/n's very...strange?" Dinah asked me "yeah she is acting very strange" I replied, glancing at y/n and Normani. Y/n seemed very restless in class, she kept fidgeting, and mumbling things to herself. But, I ignored it because it was none of my business.

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