Addicted to your blood (part 2)

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Your P.O.V
"Hey Y/nn" Lauren hugged me as I got into her car "hey Lo" I hugged her back, and then buckled my seatbelt on. Lauren and I made plans to go shopping today, honestly I didn't really want to shop, I just wanted to spend some time with Lauren. It's been nearly 3 weeks since the last time I saw her. Apparently she had som 'business' she had to deal with so she was quite busy.

"So what have you been up to without me?" Lauren asked as she pulled out of my drive "nothing much, just enjoying my time without you." I smiled cheekily "remember girl, you're in my car" Lauren looked at me warningly "I'm just kidding! I missed my Lolo" I told the truth, pinching Lauren's cheek as she drove us to the mall. "What have you been up to?" I asked Lauren, actually wanting to know what she had been doing. "Just y'know, taking care of my vampire business." Lauren said not going in to detail, but I decided not to push it because I know she doesn't like to talk about that stuff.

"I really missed you, Lo." I broke the silence, putting a smile on her face "I missed you too Y/nn." She said in return. "Did you really miss me?, or did you miss my blood?" I asked her teasingly "hey! I did miss you, I mean I did miss the taste of your blood too, but I mostly missed you." Lauren pouted, making me giggle, which led her to give me the biggest smile.

Lauren had the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. Her eyes always light up when she smiles, and you can tell that she's truly happy. Whenever I tell her she has a beautiful smile she always shyly hides her smile and it's the cutest thing ever, although I do tell her not to hide her smile.

"So, what do you plan on buying today?" Lauren asked me "nothing really. I just want to eat" I giggled "what do you plan on buying?" I asked her wondering why she'd chose the mall to hand out in, instead of her house "I don't plan on buying anything." Lauren said shrugging her shoulders "so then why are we going to the mall?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows "uh...I don't know. I just thought we could hang out." Lauren replied shrugging her shoulders once again "well how about this then, since none of us are going to buy anything, why don't we just order some food and chill at your house? Maybe watch a movie?" I suggested. I much rather chill at home with Lauren and be comfortable rather than be in the mall where it's too crowded. "Ok, sure. To be honest I much rather do that." Lauren agreed, making a u-turn.

"What do you want to eat?" Lauren asked me as she drove us back to her house "umm we can just order pizza." I suggested not minding "Ok, sure. I'll order it when we get  to my house then" Lauren said looking ahead at the road "what about you have you eaten?" I asked Lauren "nah, I'm not really hungry." Lauren told me.


"I'll just order the pizza." Lauren told me as we got inside "Ok." I replied plopping my self onto her sofa. "Done." Lauren said taking a seat next to me, a couple of minutes later. "What movie do you wanna watch?" Lauren asked me "ooh! There's this new horror movie out, apparently it's really good!." I suggested, knowing that Lauren loves horror movies "ooh, ok" Lauren agreed grabbing her laptop.

The pizza arrived so we headed to Lauren's room and set up the movie. I sat down on Lauren's bed and began eating my pizza "I feel bad, aren't you gonna eat anything?" I asked Lauren as she turned the lights off and the sat next to me "nah, remember I don't really eat food, even if I did, it wouldn't do anything for me." Lauren reminded me, even though I already knew that. "Ok then." I shrugged enjoying my pizza.


I had decided on staying the night at Lauren's house. The movie was so scary that neither of us wanted to leave the bedroom. "Here, are these ok?" Lauren asked, tossing me a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt "yup" I said getting off the bed to get changed.

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