Anger issues

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Your P.O.V
I slammed my locker door shut and grunted in frustration. Angry at the fact that I didn't get a single ounce of sleep last night. "Y/n why do you seem so angry, oh yeah because you have ANGER ISSUES!!" Austin the schools fuckboy shouted "ooh Austin don't say that..y/n's gonna get angryyyy!" Bradley the schools dickhead who happens to be Austin's friend yelled over him. I was fuming, I could feel the steam radiating off my raging body. I clenched my hand and grit my teeth trying to calm down. Just breath, let it go they're just being shitheads. I thought to myself trying to contain my anger. "Fuck off!" I growled as glared at them and turned around and made my way to class. Yes I have anger issues.

"Wow y/n, I'm really proud of you, you didn't end up beating the living daylights out of them, you contained your anger" my best friend Ally said to me as I sat down next to her in class "yeah I'm proud of myself too, it's so hard to not lash out at them, especially when the shitheads deserve it" "language..." Ally warned "sorry mama bear" I chuckled. I've known Ally since I was 5 and we're literally sisters, I'm glad I have her because if it wasn't for her everyone in this school would be dead. Ally's like my mom, she's really caring and very helpful, normally she's always there to calm me down.

Lesson started and we were all doing our work. As I was writing in my notebook I could feel someone staring holes in to the side of my head, getting agitated by this feeling I snapped my head to the side, almost giving myself whiplash and glared at the person staring at me. I was about to snap at them and tell them to stop staring at me but when I saw who it was I decided to keep my mouth shut. I've seen this girl around before, she's in my art class and she is very...mysterious? I know nothing about her except that I think her name is Lauren, I didn't even realise she was sitting next to me, well until I felt her stare holes into my head.

I look at her, but not for too long. She's very beautiful, she's has beautiful green eyes, gorgeous dark hair and perfectly shaped eyebrows as I look at her I notice a nose ring which I've never noticed before, and this makes me intrigued about her. "I could feel you practically stare holes into my head" I say in the nicest way I can "sorry about that, it's kinda hard, trying to keep your eyes off a gorgeous girl like yourself" she winks "uh, I'm y/n" I say holding my hand out for her to shake "Lauren" she smirks, shaking my hand, I can feel electricity shooting up my arm as she touches me. This is a weird feeling I've never had before, I kind of like this feeling.

I slowly let go of her hand and as I'm about to ask her something I get interrupted "Mr Johnson, y/n is talking and it's distracting me" Bradley shouts across the class "shut the fuck up, like your actually doing any work!" I spit at Bradley "excuse me miss y/ln that type of language will not be tolerated in class" Mr Johnson tells me off which just pisses me off even more  "whatever" I roll my eyes as I slouch in my seat.

I look at Lauren and see her smirking at me and I look at my feet embarrassed.

As I'm doing my work Austin starts throwing paper balls at me. I try to ignore it for as long as I can but it just gets too annoying and agitating "Imma beat the shit out of you don't fucking stop!" I shout as I turn to Austin, my blood boiling inside. "That's it miss y/ln, get out, out the class now" mr Johnson calmly says "but sir he's the one who's throwing shit at me" I say gritting my teeth "and I've already warned you about your language, now your going to stay outside for the rest of the lesson" mr Johnson says as he points towards the door.

I let out a frustrated sigh as I grab my book and my backpack and leave the class. I slide to the floor and grunt in anger. I get out my phone and start going through my instagram trying to pass time (follow me @lizzy.art1 😉). As I'm scrolling through instagram the school bell rings signalling that lessons over. I quickly get up and shove my phone in my pocket. "Y/n, I expected more of you...remember what I told you, just keep breathing and count to 10" Ally said frowning "i sowwy mama bear" I say in a baby voice pouting "I swear you've got split personality" Ally chuckles.

I make my way to my lockers and Ally goes to hers. As I'm taking my books out of my locker I see Lauren approaching me from the corner of my eye. I close my locker and turn towards Lauren as she gets closer. As Lauren approaches me she leans close towards me and whispers in my ear "I see your a bad girl" her hot breath touches my neck and it shoots a shiver up my spine "yeah, I guess so, green eyes" I smirk "maybe we can hang out some time" Lauren bites her lip "yeah that'd be cool" I say as I try to act calm and collected "type in your number, I'll text you later on" Lauren says as she hands me her phone.

I take her phone and type in my number and save my contact as 'bad girl 😉' she looks at what I saved myself and let's out a little giggle that sounds like music to my ears. I hand Lauren my phone and wait for her to type her number, she hands me my phone back and I look at her contact, she saved herself as 'green eyes 😉' "see you around, bad girl" Lauren says and bites her lip "see you around, green eyes" I say as I shoot her a wink.

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