11 something

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Your P.O.V
There are many things I hate; the way my family looks at me like what I'm doing is wrong, disgusting even. The sting my father's hand left behind on my cheek when I told him I love her. The iron taste the blood from my busted lip left in my mouth after he split my lip with the strength of his hand, daring me to say that I love her again. The way my mother told my baby sister that she should never aspire to be like me; vocalizing her hate towards me despite my sisters tears. The way my father shoved me out the door and told me to not bother coming back if I didn't straighten up. The slam of the door that caught my hair in the doorway before I could move away. The tingling sensation on my scalp as I pulled my hair out of it. The way it rained just to make it all worse. The fear of forever having lost the people who I thought were supposed to love me unconditionally.

There are many things that make me angry, like the fact they left their 18 year old daughter out on the street like a dog; to fend for herself despite their knowledge of the state of the society. The fact they didn't let me say goodbye to my sister. The fact that they couldn't open their minds and try to understand that love is love. The fact that they can't comprehend not everything is set in stone and just because they raised me to be "straight" meant that's what I felt inside.

There are few things I love; my sister. My best friends. My girlfriend.

Though, I'd say there may be more than just those few things, because the list of things I love is endless when I think about my girlfriend, Lauren. Just the sound of her name was something I loved.

I loved the way she didn't hesitate to come find me in the rain at 11 something at night. I loved how the moment we were together the rain slowly came to a halt. The way she worried about my lip and decided to pull the car over to go to her trunk and get a first aid kit. The way her plump lips wrapped around mine as she kissed me softly to make it feel better. How it felt to hold her hand. How it felt to have her look at me with those sparkling eyes; constantly changing colors between stunning shades of green, blue and grey, that were now coated with a thin layer of water because of the empathy and remorse she felt for me.

I loved the way she made me forget. The thought that something life changing had just happened slipped my mind when she dropped her car's roof and turned up our favorite playlist. The way she made me laugh by telling me to kneel on the seat and scream 'fuck it' at the sky till my throat burned.

I loved the way her hair blowed in the wind as we cruised; giving the world a taste of her intoxicating scent. The way she gave me a smirk while bringing a small rolled up paper to her lips. The way she always reassured me I didn't have to smoke it. It really never was something for me, but I always ended up doing it because I'd do anything for her.

I loved the way she called me beautiful, and meant it. Or how she gently pushed my hair behind my ear each time she was going to caress my cheek and whisper sweet nothings into my ear.

She took me to the spot where she first asked me out and I loved her for that, too. It was the one place I always felt happy, no matter what. She hopped out of the drivers seat and opened up my door as she always did; leading me towards the small cliff that over looked the town.

"You know what I think about when I look at this," her raspy voice filled the silent air while she gestured at the town below us.


"I think about how half...or maybe even more than half of the people who live in this city, don't know shit. They run around doing this and that, for what? To make money?...all this town cares about is how to make money. Who gives a fuck about money! What about family, respect, loyalty? These assholes will do anything for money and that leaves them neglecting what's important," Lauren ranted, kicking pebbles off the side of the cliff.

I knew why Lauren was saying these things. My father, he owns a big corporation in our small, traditional town. He works..and works..and works; he missed my graduation, he missed nearly all my birthdays as well as my sisters too. He missed almost everything, and all he does at home live on his phone. So when he actually had the time to listen, I decided to tell him about Lauren. Going back to the fact that this is a very traditional town, he would not have his daughter identify as gay or lesbian. He said it would ruin his business if word got out that I was in love with a girl. No one would buy from him anymore and he'd lose all his money. When I fought back and told him I cared more about Lauren than his stupid company is when it all sped downhill.

"I want you to know something," Lauren turned to me and gripped my hand. "Nothing is wrong with you. Nothing is wrong with me. Nothing is wrong with us. What we have is real, Y/n. I love you so much...and if this is how it's gonna be with them then you have me, and my family. Me and my parents are very and you know my parents love you almost as much as I do. No one can ever break us." Lauren smirked and bopped my nose making me chuckle despite the few tears that had spilled from my eyes. Lauren wiped them away and kissed my cheek before pulling me close to her.

"We can figure this out together Y/nn, it's going to be alright," Lauren mumbled against my shoulder.

I never wanted to let her go. Right here in her arms was where I felt safe. In her arms was where I could think about tomorrow without falling to pieces. We stayed like that for what felt like hours. I easily lost track of time when I was with her and that was genuinely a good thing right now. I didn't want to think about all the things I hated, or all the things that angered me; I wanted to think about the things I loved.

"How late is it?" I asked, practically having to pry myself away from her grip. She knew what I wanted from the grumbling sound my tummy made, after all I was starving.
"It feels like it's 2 am but it probably isn't," she giggled and I had to take a moment to calm the butterflies that always flew around in my tummy every time they heard the sound of her laugh. "Why, you hungry?"

I nodded and she giggled again.

"I have Chinese take out at home, you down for that?" Lauren asked and I nodded again, fighting the butterflies and happiness inside of me from giving away just how much I loved this girl.

Lauren was leading me back to the car when I stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she moved my hair behind my ear and looked at my bruised cheek worrying.

"Nothing, sorry...I just...we can figure this out together right?" I asked hesitantly.
"Oh baby, of course we can. I told you that, I'm never leaving your side" Lauren sighed in relief. She kissed my forehead lightly before pulling me into another hug.

"Together, we're unstoppable," Lauren smiled as she grabbed the untouched side of my face and bore her eyes into mine. "We'll prove that to them. Okay?"

"I love you, Lauren," I whispered to keep my voice from cracking.

"I'm one of the things from that list, huh?" She chuckled before kissing me gently.

If only she knew that she was the main thing that I loved, with all my heart; especially tonight at around 11 something.

A/n: Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter, it had quite a bit of drama in it but it was also cute and lovey-dovey, but then again nearly all my chapters are. Anyway thank you for reading. If you have any suggestions for the next chapter just comment it. Thank you.

Question: what are some of your biggest pet peeves?

My answer: people stepping on my shoes and disrespectful people, they get on my nerves.

Thanks for reading!
Ok byeeee - A.A🌹✨

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