My blood seemed to burn whenever I saw her with that Benson kid. She seemed to be having fun with him, laughing and speaking to him any opportunity she gets. The kid, of course, was more than happy to get her attention. He lapped it up like some kind of love sick puppy.

That disgusting, sick swine.

And you're much better? My mind retorted.

Anyone with eyes could see that he had a thing for the girl. But the latter acted like she had no clue. She kept leading him on with an innocent expression on her face as if she was just hanging out with a friend.

And she probably thought of it as that too.

Oh really? How can you say that? What if she actually likes him and his company?

She wouldn't do that. She doesn't like him.

Right? I was having second thoughts.

And why do you care? Did you not want her to hate you?

Yes, but...

Shaking my thoughts away, I stepped into the room and took a seat on the sofa as I waited.

Our training sessions had stopped but since Elaine really wanted to get into Harvard, she sent papers with explanations and questions through Blake, covering up the chapters that she hadn't questioned and explained to me.

Blake threatened me that he would tell Ma about what I did to Elaine if I didn't finish the papers that she had given. And I gladly did so.

It was hard. To understand the complicated subject of Chemistry without her voice calming me. I hadn't realized just how much she had done for me and still was continuing to do for me, until she had quite literally fallen from my grasp.

I missed her and I couldn't deny it.

But I couldn't go to her either. I couldn't speak to her. Couldn't hear her melodious voice. Couldn't get a waft of her sweet scent which made me nearly heady and dizzy.

I had done this for her own good.

But she would never know. She will always remember me as the a$$hole that sprained her leg and then called her names. And I couldn't do anything to change it.

Heaving a sigh, I walked out and back into the ring when my name was called.

"And we have Ironfist on one side and Flash on the other!"

My opponent this time, was light-weighted and seemed to be working through strategy as his eyes roamed over me, trying to work out my weaknesses.

"And you may begin!" The bell sounded again.

Flash waited for a millisecond before gracing me with an upper cut which I skillfully avoided. He watched me for another second before going low for a jab. Right as he was about to punch me, I weaved out of the way and delivered a hard blow to his spine.

He immediately stood up and backtracked, watching me closely. Deciding to stay on the defense, he raised his gloved hands and blocked my jab as I threw another left hook with my other hand.

A War of Guns and RosesWhere stories live. Discover now