I felt like the moment my head hit the pillow again I was out, but it was already almost 4 in the morning and I hoped Rory would sleep in for a bit. A few good hours of solid sleep, that's all I needed.....


When I woke up, the light was streaming in brightly from the uncovered window and Niall's arms were around my body. I blinked up at his face, staring at the lines around his pursed lips and the soft bags underneath his eyes. He would have to be up in a few hours for work, though I didn't know how he did it. He was utterly exhausted.

Unable to stop myself, I leaned forward and pressed my mouth to the small dimple in his chin. My lips seemed to have a mind of their own as I very slowly kissed across the stubble lining his jaw, the scruff something I found sexy on him. Niall groaned softly in his sleep, his lanky arms tightening around my much smaller frame.

I liked the way our bodies were pressed tightly together, my stomach no longer in the way. I couldn't help but nip my teeth roughly on his jaw as he pushed his hips forward subconsciously.

One of his hands slid up my back, a soft moan leaving my lips as his fingers tangled in my hair and yanked my head back.

Niall's slightly rough movements didn't bother me one bit even though they should have.

When his hot, wet mouth made contact with my throat I knew he was awake. He pushed himself impossibly closer to me and sucked harshly on my skin. It took him about 3 seconds to have me clenching my thighs together, and then have me pinned beneath his body.

I pulled his t-shirt off of him, instincts filling up my brain as I practically yanked him down to me. Niall's breath washed over my skin in a hiss as I shoved my hand into the front of his boxers. Warm, rigid skin was hot and solid in my palm as I stroked him.

I could feel Niall shaking above me immediately, pressing my lips to his wrist that was beside my head to reassure him.

I wanted to pull away, I really did, but with him groaning soft encouraging words into my ear and lightly kissing my neck I couldn't stop.

And I didn't stop until he was coming undone in his underwear, cursing and clenching every muscle in his body.

With an "ugh, fuck." he rolled off of me and onto his side beside me. I could feel my face heat up when I tried to leave the bed but Niall caught my wrist instead. Grabbing a wad of kleenex, he quickly wiped his orgasm off of my hand and chucked the tissues in the trash.

I felt like I was burning up, my face so hot that if I didn't get away from Niall right now I was going to explode. Throwing my legs over the bed, my toes touched the floor when Niall's strong arm wrapped around my waist from behind.

"Not so fast."

Gasping, Niall pulled me back to the bed and covered my mouth with his hand so we didn't wake Rory. I tried to keep my legs closed but Niall pried them apart easily, yanking my shorts and underwear down in one tug. I felt the material slip passed my ankles, stomach tensing. I didn't think it was possible for my face to get any redder.

"Don't give me that face." Niall whispered softly, his lips leaving reassuring pecks to both of my cheeks.

"I can't do this.."

Struggling to sit up, I shuffled further up the bed. Niall sat on his knees before me, catching my ankles easily. He pulled me back down the bed until I was laid flat out, throwing a hand over my mouth to keep myself quiet. I eyed the crib in the corner of the room, nothing but silence all around.

I was startled when I felt Niall's presence over my stomach, jumping as his lips made contact over the shirt. "Relax?" He requested softly, but I tensed up all over again when he tried to lift my loose t-shirt.

"No...no, don't look." I begged, my eyes filling up with tears. I was never one to be so shy before but this was so much different. I had a baby. My body went through a lot and I wasn't comfortable with having anyone's eyes on me.

"Shay.. Please, let me see." His eyes pleaded with mine and I began to shake. My fingers yanked the hem of the top down to the middle of my thighs, tears leaking down both sides of my face. I heard Niall mutter a "shit" under his breath, and then his arms were encasing me again. I buried my face into his shoulder and tried to stop myself from sobbing. He held me tightly, his body fitting snuggling between my thighs and his lips kissing every tear off of my face.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed." He whispered to me, fingers stroking softly down my arm. It was comforting.

"No, I'm sorry." I choked out, shaking my head and pushing away his apology.

"I love you."

"Stop," I begged, cringing at his words and pushing away from him. Niall groaned in frustration but allowed me to push him away. I didn't want to hear him say things like that to me. I couldn't handle him lying to me, not anymore.

"When are you going to stop pushing me away Shay? When are you going to stop being so damn stubborn and realize how much I fucking care about you?"

"Please don't yell at me." I yanked my shorts back on and paced across the room.

"I'm not yelling Shay. I just want you to want me the way-"

Rory decided then to wake up with a soft cry, and I gratefully picked him up and cradled him into my arms.

"You should get some more sleep, you have to work soon." I suggested, glancing at Niall over my shoulder exhaustedly.

He simply shook his head at me in disbelief, almost like he couldn't believe I was dismissing him. Again.

"We'll talk when I get home whether you like it or not." He grunted in annoyance while pulling the covers over his head.

Yeah. Like that was going to happen.


Trouble in paradise. Some more stuff's gonna be happening soon (hopefully) so please hang with me and let me know what you guy's are thinking!!!

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