CHAPTER 57 - Are you my dad now?

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"Sarah Jane Carlsson, will you marry me?" Robert asked standing on one knee holding up the most beautiful ring I've even seen before.

"YES Robert, a million time yes!" I responded with teary eyes and when he slid the ring on my finger I couldn't hold it in anymore. I broke down in tears, and kissed his face.

"Baby, I love you so much, I'm gonna make you happy, I promise." Robert said wiping my tears away smiling.

"You already make me the happiest girl alive and I can't wait to marry you. Honey I can't believe you actually wants to spend your life with me, it's a dream!" I said still crying holding him close to me.

"There's nothing else I want to do but create a family with you Sarah. You are my everything and I promise in the future I can give you everything you've ever want." he said kissing my forehead.

"You are everything I've ever needed Robert. I don't need material things to be happy. You and Benji are the most important in my life." I replied kissing him over and over again because I couldn't stop. He's my fiance now!

"Are you my dad now?" Benji asked still holding the bouquet.

We both were so lost in our moment that we forgot that Benji was standing there. But to be fair, when Robert got down on one knee Benji disappeared in to the living room.

"If you let me buddy. I love you very much and I would be honoured to be your dad." Robert said picking up the little boy.

"DADAA WOBBIEE, I love you too" Benji replied nuzzling his head in to Roberts shoulder.

"My boys, words can't express how much I love you and how grateful I'm to have you in my life." I said walking up to them.

Robert wrapped his arm around his fiancee while holding their son in his other arm. This moment were absolutely perfect and he didn't want to let go of them.

YOU'RE THE PERFECT MAN FOR ME (a Robert Downey Jr. fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now