Mad Libs and Google Translate (Because Why Not)

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Lucy: Guys! Let's play Mad Libs.

Emma: Yay! Mad Libs.

Lucy: Alright everybody circle up. First up Levy give me a person

Levy: Guy that works at Mc Donalds

Lucy: Does it have to be that specific?

Levy: Yes

Lucy: Emma, a Place

Emma: Brooklyn

Lucy: Gajeel, give me a verb.

Gajeel: ate a cow

Lucy: you don't have to be too specific.

Lucy: Erza, a noun

Erza: Horse

Lucy: Now Jellal, give me a proper name.

Jellal: boy or a girl

Lucy: Doesn't matter

Jellal: Jerome Cortez III

Lucy: Now Juvia give me a verb present tense

Juvia: Spanking

Lucy: Why?

Juvia: The best Mad Libs stories always have something sexual or weird in them.

Lucy: Now Gray give me a noun.

Gray: Cottage Cheese

Lucy: Now Laxus give me a verb

Laxus: Dance

Lucy: Mira give me a noun

Mira: Tea

Lucy: Now Larcade give me a Part of a body

Larcade: Butt

Lucy: Natsu, give me an adjective.

Natsu: Big

Lucy: Levy give me a relative

Levy: Mother

Lucy: Emma, an activity

Emma: Soap Carving

Lucy: Gajeel, Food Chain

Gajeel: Burger King

Lucy: Erza, a verb past tense

Erza: Slapped

Lucy: Jellal, a month, please.

Jellal: September

Lucy: Juvia, a verb present tense

Juvia: Sleeping

Lucy: Gray, a noun

Gray: Hot Air Balloon 

Lucy: Laxus, a verb in the past tense

Laxus: Killed

Lucy: Mira, an adjective

Mira: Cute

Lucy: Larcade, a verb

Larcade: have sex

Lucy: Moving on....... Natsu give me a noun

Natsu: Goat

Lucy: Lastly, Levy, give me a plural noun.

Levy: dogs

Lucy: Alright finished.

Emma: Let's hear it!

A guy that works at Mc Donalds in Brooklyn was arrested this morning after he ate a cow in front of a horse. Jerome Cortez III had a history of spanking, but no one-not even his cottage cheese ever imagined he'd dance with a tea stuck in his butt.
"I always thought he was big, but I never thought he'd do something like this. Even his mother was surprised."
After a brief soap carving session, cops followed him to Burger King, where he repeatedly slapped the fry machine.
In September, a woman was charged with a similar crime. But rather than sleeping with a hot air balloon, she killed with a cute dog.
Either way, we imagined that after witnessing him have sex with a goat there is probably a whole lot of dogs that are going to need some therapy.

Natsu: Well that was something.

Larcade: *pulls out his phone* let's make this story even weirder shall we.

A few moments later

Larcade: Alright, now make way for this amalgamation of chaos that I just made.

Larcade: A young man working at McDonald's in Brooklyn was arrested this morning after riding a cow. Omeerme Cortez III tried to kill people, but no one wanted to drink tea, especially cheese. "I always thought it was fun, but I do not think so." My mother even you. After his briefing, police questioned Burger King, who was already asleep. In September, the woman was charged with one count of felony criminal mischief. But instead of sleeping on a ball, he killed a good dog. But when I saw sex with goats, I thought that many dogs should be kept.

Levy: How? and Why?

Larcade: The answer to that is Google Translate and curiosity.


*inserts random emoji*

Just a random idea that popped in my head. Comment down below if you want more mad libs. Because I really enjoyed doing this.

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Till Next Time.

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