Chapter Forty Four

Start from the beginning

He closed his eyes and leaned into me to brush his lips over my cheek. "So pretty." He mumbled softly against my skin. I smiled and closed my eyes. Jungkook sat up and stretched. I sat up next to him and kept smiling and blushing. I felt so warm inside.

The elevator doors opened and in walked Hoseok. "(J)Hope I'm not interrupting anything." He said. "But I'm bored, so I don't care." Jungkook wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "What's up?" He asked. Hoseok shrugged. "I didn't want to watch Jimin and Yoongi get sappy, so I came here."

"But we're probably going to get sappy," Jungkook said. Hoseok pulled out his phone and sat down on Jungkook's chair in the corner of the room. "Carry on, I'll just play games."

"And you couldn't do that in-"

"No, they're extremely verbal somehow at the same time their mouths are attached." I frowned. I  was quite sure that Jungkook and I were a little more verbal than super touchy anyway. "I dunno, Taehyung, ya wanna get really kissy, and sappy, and-" He saw Hoseok fake barf and started laughing. "Hoseok, we're the same as the other two." He said. We talk a lot more and some things are things you shouldn't know."

I blushed at the words. I didn't even know why. Jungkook was protecting our privacy- my privacy, even- by saying these things. Maybe it was the idea generated from the words that made me blush. Hoseok seemed to get that message, "Nuh-uh, now I'm not leaving you guys alone. You aren't- you can't- it's too early. Not on my fucking watch you don't." He said. Jungkook rolled his eyes and pulled me in tighter. "That's not what we talk about." He said. I mean, not constantly. I thought, recalling the conversation we had before he got hard.

"I'm still hangin here," Hoseok said. "You can't get rid of me." Jungkook chuckled. "I guess that's not a problem." He said. He grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb over the back of it. "It's not like we're busy anyway." Hoseok got up and came to the bed, then sat down in front of us. "Thanks. Oh, by the way, Jimin just found out about Yoongi's mission slash near-death experience." He said. I blinked.

"What did Jimin have to say about it?" I asked. Hoseok shrugged. "I didn't stay for his punishment. I think I might get one later, too. He looked and sounded pretty pissed though. Obviously, he got over it pretty quickly. They were all over each other in the end, hence the reason I'm here."

"Doesn't sound very pissed to me," Jungkook said. "I know right? Why don't I have a 'get ou of jail free card?' They like each other too much." Jungkook smirked at him. "Just like you lo-"

"We are not talking about that," Hoseok said, his tone changing. He paused and smiled, turning to me. "Have you ever loved anyone other than Jungkook before him?" He asked. Jungkook looked at me and squinted like he was genuinely curious. I shook my head. "I loved my mother, I loved Jin, and I love Namjoon. Just not in the same way."

"How well do you remember your mother?" Jungkook asked. I looked down for a moment, then back into his eyes. "I can remember what she looked like when I knew her, and I remember her kindness. I drew her a lot." I said. Jungkook made an "o" with his mouth and wore an expression as if something had just dawned on him. Then he closed his mouth. "Do you remember what happened to her?" Hoseok asked. I nodded. "She injured her arm and that was a perfect opportunity for the guys watching our house outside for days to send an ambulance to kidnap her."


"That's why I was never allowed out of the house when I was younger. I think my mother knew about the people watching us and didn't want them to know about me, so... She hid me as best she could."

"I'm guessing she failed." I nodded. I remembered meeting the leader of the Tiger Gang for the first time. Being scared out of my mind and confused as hell. I still didn't know the real reason they had come for my mom. Hoseok frowned. "Why?"

"Why did they kidnap us? I don't know." I said.

"I think I know why." Jungkook broke in, quiet as a mouse. Both Hoseok and I turned to him. He looked lost in thought and kind of... Out of it. "What?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Jungkook looked dazed for another moment before blinking and snapping to his senses. "What?" He asked. I chuckled at his cuteness. "What you said, earlier. You think you know why-"

"Oh!" Jungkook said. His smile returned and he leaned closer to me. "Because you are the prettiest boy I've ever met, and if they went for your mom first, I mean... Makes sense. You must have gotten it from somewhere."

I blushed and buried my face in my hands. Jungkook laughed. "You're so cute," Hoseok said. "You two are both just so cute." I smiled into my hands. When I uncovered my face, I saw my two most favorite people in the world- excluding Namjoon- smiling and laughing. What I didn't see was the look of tension and warning they exchanged just moments before.

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