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Hi, my name is Thuy. Its pronounced "Twee"  but most people call me T. Last year, my best friend and I moved to America as exchange students, and well, we never left. I love it here, although I do miss Australia. The thing is, I have to live with my step brother, Jack Johnson. I would be totally cool with it if he didnt have his friends over all the time without telling me, and if he actually acknowledged my existence every once in a while. I was actually excited when i found out who he was, in his vines he seems so nice. I guess you cant judge someone by six seconds. I thought having a brother would be good, like we would hang out all the time and he would be protective. But, this isnt a dream, I have to snap back to reality. Anyways, I've got Casey. She also lives with us. Casey is more like family  than a bestfriend. She can be really quiet around people when you get to know her, but then she is the loudest when you do, like really loud. It can be annoying, but I love her anyway. She is the closest thing I have to family. Anyways, I guess i should tell you more about me. Im 17 years old in April, which means im a senior and this is my last year in the jail I attend every week, some may call it school. I've got thick, long black hair, and im really loud. I spend most of my time on the internet, its my happy place. My best friends are Casey, Jennie, Amy, Georgia and Sophie. I was a single child, but I guess now I have a stepbrother im not. I have a really bubbly personality, and I am sucker for love, which actually kinda sucks. Im really insecure which also sucks.  Anyways, I should probably stop boring you now.


A/N: Sorry if this part is boring, its just kinda to fill you in on whats happening and let you know a little more about the character. Please comment any suggestions if you have any and message me if you want. Thank you so much for reading, I love you. xx

Also, i just wanted to say that this is dedicated to my best friend, bc she is the bomb diggity. 

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